When I drive out of Putnamania every morning I drive along the River Walk.
There are always some folks walking on it by themselves, with a friend, or with a dog or two...
BUT, guaranteed there are always 2 older men in the last parking lot. One backs his car in, and the other drives in head first. This lines them up so they are sitting side by side. They roll their windows down and have a morning chat.
I look for them every morning. I feel like they are my old buddies, too. I wonder what they talk about and if they look forward to their morning visit as much as I look forward to seeing them there.
This is not a picture of them, but it sure is a good representation of their morning friendship, overlooking the Quinebaug River and solving the world's problems.
I hope someday I am backing my car into that parking spot and having an early morning visit with my good friends, too!
I am a Putnamaniac because I have some buddies that I have never even met!
Marcy's Choice in northeast CT, Putnam is a gem of a place to live, work, visit! Putnamania is also my "happy place." Putnamania will catch you, and you too will become a Putnamaniac before long. Come Discover Putnam, visit and stay a while!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Full Moon Snowshoe Hike - a great warm up to the Super Bowl!
The Super Bowl, scheduled for Sunday, February 5th, is approaching fast - and lots of us are happy to see the New England Patriots in the Big Game!
Since I have never been good at sitting around and waiting for something to start, The Last Green Valley's Full Moon Showshoe Hike is timed just perfectly to provide me with an invigorating warm up to the Super Bowl!
This is a "Member's Only" program, however, I am sure they would welcome some guests - and a single membership is only $25. Well worth it, and I believe deeply in donating locally! You can see the benefits of your donations.
Check this out, from The Last Green Valley's Website:
Since I have never been good at sitting around and waiting for something to start, The Last Green Valley's Full Moon Showshoe Hike is timed just perfectly to provide me with an invigorating warm up to the Super Bowl!
This is a "Member's Only" program, however, I am sure they would welcome some guests - and a single membership is only $25. Well worth it, and I believe deeply in donating locally! You can see the benefits of your donations.
Check this out, from The Last Green Valley's Website:
Full Moon Snowshoe Hike
Sunday, February 5, 2012, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
West Thompson Lake, 162 West Thompson Road, Thompson, CT.
(Alternative date for inclement weather is Monday February 6, same time.)
Strap on your snowshoes and come along with Bill Reid, TLGV Director of Outreach Programs & Chief Ranger, and Cathy St. Andre, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger, for an invigorating full moon hike at the West Thompson Lake site. From the parking area adjacent to the white garage buildings, we will hike a woods trail about one mile to the west shelter pavilion where we will enjoy views of the rising Snow Moon and learn more about the West Thompson Lake site. We'll get warm sipping cocoa around a bonfire before hiking back along the shoreline road to the parking area. Total hike is approximately two miles. Participants are responsible for their own showshoes. If there is not enough snow for snowshoeing, we will hike anyway. For additional information, directions, and to sign-up for the hike, please contact Bill Reid at 860-774-3300 or Bill@tlgv.org.
I for one, can't wait to hike this hike before the game! I will be invigorated and ready to cheer loudly!
I am a Putnamaniac because I am looking forward to the Full Moon Snowshoe Hike before the Big Game!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The switch to Black and Whites
Putnam Police Department recently made the switch from pretty blue cars to black and whites, just like the kind that Officers Reed and Malloy drove on that great old tv show, Adam 12.
It is funny how things seem so drastically different when they first change.
The black and whites stood out like sore thumbs, and I did not like them. I was very partial to those pretty blue cars.
However, now that the black and whites have been around for a while, I like them just fine, too.
Putnam even has an Officer Reed, and he is a good guy and almost as cute as the Officer Reed from Adam 12, pictured on the right below. (I may be biased since I am friends with his dad...Putnam's Officer Reed's dad, that is...).
Why is it that when something new comes around or a change takes place that it takes some time to get used to? I mean, what the heck does it matter what color the police cars are? Does this happen to you, or are you accepting or oblivious to change?
I am a Putnamaniac that has come to love the new black and whites!
It is funny how things seem so drastically different when they first change.
The black and whites stood out like sore thumbs, and I did not like them. I was very partial to those pretty blue cars.
However, now that the black and whites have been around for a while, I like them just fine, too.
Putnam even has an Officer Reed, and he is a good guy and almost as cute as the Officer Reed from Adam 12, pictured on the right below. (I may be biased since I am friends with his dad...Putnam's Officer Reed's dad, that is...).
Why is it that when something new comes around or a change takes place that it takes some time to get used to? I mean, what the heck does it matter what color the police cars are? Does this happen to you, or are you accepting or oblivious to change?
I am a Putnamaniac that has come to love the new black and whites!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Home Sweet Homebody, me!
Sometimes I joke with myself over the years about why I like to buy homes.... I mean - I am rarely home to enjoy them!
However, as I was driving home towards Putnamania tonight, after visiting great friends in RI, after a long week, having spent last night away from home for work, and being in the old Ford Focus for a good 3+ hours today, I was headed straight towards this moon on the horizon... Did you see it????
It was like Mother Nature was asking the classic question... is it partially full or partially empty?
My answer of course was that it is partially full and getting fuller by the minute.
That is also the case for the value and enjoyment of my life. It just keeps getting fuller.
I keep busy - busier than most - but I would not change it for the world. That is what I am. My belief is that you should do what works for you! And so I do.
As Bill Shakespeare said "To thine own self be true"
If you do that, at the end of the day, you will be a productive and happy person.
At the end of the day, I am thrilled to come to my Home Sweet Home here in Putnamania, worn out, and full of experiences, but happy and at my home sweet home!
Are you honest with yourself, and do you live the life that suits you the best?? Think about it, and listen to your own heart. By taking care of yourself, you will take care of others.
I am a Putnamaniac because it is my Home Sweet Home, and I am a homebody!
However, as I was driving home towards Putnamania tonight, after visiting great friends in RI, after a long week, having spent last night away from home for work, and being in the old Ford Focus for a good 3+ hours today, I was headed straight towards this moon on the horizon... Did you see it????
It was like Mother Nature was asking the classic question... is it partially full or partially empty?
My answer of course was that it is partially full and getting fuller by the minute.
That is also the case for the value and enjoyment of my life. It just keeps getting fuller.
I keep busy - busier than most - but I would not change it for the world. That is what I am. My belief is that you should do what works for you! And so I do.
As Bill Shakespeare said "To thine own self be true"
If you do that, at the end of the day, you will be a productive and happy person.
At the end of the day, I am thrilled to come to my Home Sweet Home here in Putnamania, worn out, and full of experiences, but happy and at my home sweet home!
Are you honest with yourself, and do you live the life that suits you the best?? Think about it, and listen to your own heart. By taking care of yourself, you will take care of others.
I am a Putnamaniac because it is my Home Sweet Home, and I am a homebody!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Forgotten 45 fun with the Partridge Family and WINY Radio!
One of the nicest things about Northeast CT is WINY Radio.
It is upbeat, positive, informative and all local fun! What a great addition to anyone's life!
A cool feature of the morning show, which runs from an eye opening 6am - 9am, is the "Forgotten 45". At about 8:20 each morning, we flashback to a fun forgotten 45, along with other news of interest from that day. Listeners are encouraged to request, and since I'm an enjoyer of music and fun, I request often.
Recently I emailed in this request:
Hi Gary O,
I don't know if you can use the Partridge Family's "I think I love you" as a forgotten 45, since they were from a fake family on a tv show...BUT, I sure did think I loved David Cassidy!
My best friend, Valorie and I used my family's bunk beds as the Partridge Bus, and had to take turns being Laurie Partridge. I used a hairbrush as my microphone! Good times!!!
Here is one of the BEST SCENES in tv history (a scene from the Partridge Family)!!
"Gary O", co-owner of WINY Radio with his wife, Karen, (who seem to have a combined work day of about 40 hours and then volunteer for the other spare few hours), answered with this great reply:
How can you not enjoy such a fun and friendly local radio station, and all of WINY's employees are equally as fun! Just this week, another of my requests for "More Manilow" was granted by the afternoon team!
So, now I am preparing a little "thank you" from me to all the fun folks at WINY Radio. Low fat Pumpkin Partridge Muffins and low fat Berry Manilow Muffins are baking as I type! It will be a breakfast battle of champs!
And if you want to hear my Forgotten 45 Partridge request tomorrow morning, tune in to 1350am or listen online at WINY Radio!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves Forgotten 45s and WINY Radio!
It is upbeat, positive, informative and all local fun! What a great addition to anyone's life!
A cool feature of the morning show, which runs from an eye opening 6am - 9am, is the "Forgotten 45". At about 8:20 each morning, we flashback to a fun forgotten 45, along with other news of interest from that day. Listeners are encouraged to request, and since I'm an enjoyer of music and fun, I request often.
Recently I emailed in this request:
Hi Gary O,
I don't know if you can use the Partridge Family's "I think I love you" as a forgotten 45, since they were from a fake family on a tv show...BUT, I sure did think I loved David Cassidy!
My best friend, Valorie and I used my family's bunk beds as the Partridge Bus, and had to take turns being Laurie Partridge. I used a hairbrush as my microphone! Good times!!!
Here is one of the BEST SCENES in tv history (a scene from the Partridge Family)!!
"Gary O", co-owner of WINY Radio with his wife, Karen, (who seem to have a combined work day of about 40 hours and then volunteer for the other spare few hours), answered with this great reply:
Hi Marcy,
Great suggestion! I will feature your song on Thursday morning. We bought all the Partridge Family albums when they came out and memorized every word. We also joined their fan club. My friend, Billy Thornton, wrote a letter inviting the Partridge Family to his house for a pool party. One Saturday, after watching cartoons all morning, we tried to get Billy to come out and play, but he insisted on raking his yard to make the place look nice because he was convinced that the Partridge Family were coming to his house. We actually pitched in and helped him.
Have a great day!
garyoHow can you not enjoy such a fun and friendly local radio station, and all of WINY's employees are equally as fun! Just this week, another of my requests for "More Manilow" was granted by the afternoon team!
So, now I am preparing a little "thank you" from me to all the fun folks at WINY Radio. Low fat Pumpkin Partridge Muffins and low fat Berry Manilow Muffins are baking as I type! It will be a breakfast battle of champs!
And if you want to hear my Forgotten 45 Partridge request tomorrow morning, tune in to 1350am or listen online at WINY Radio!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves Forgotten 45s and WINY Radio!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Keep on the Sunny Side !
I was fighting the urge to be a bit grumbly tonight after work, since I stayed way later than I had planned, didn't get to jog, and haven't in fact jogged in a few days....
But then I walked into my beautiful home sweet home, turned on my ipod, and the first song that popped on was:
Keep On the Sunny Side. (click on this to see the delightful old timey youtube video).
Here are some of the lyrics - really read them - they struck my heart at the right time...
Well there's a dark and a troubled side of life.
There's a bright and a sunny side too.
But if you meet with the darkness and strife,
The sunny side we also may view.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we keep on the sunny side of life.
Oh, the storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear.
Clouds and storms will in time pass away.
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.
So, there you have it! I guess you know I decided to turn my frown updside down and look at the sunny side of life! My ipod is oh so wise!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves to Keep On The Sunny Side, and I accept a nudge to get me there!
But then I walked into my beautiful home sweet home, turned on my ipod, and the first song that popped on was:
Keep On the Sunny Side. (click on this to see the delightful old timey youtube video).
Here are some of the lyrics - really read them - they struck my heart at the right time...
Well there's a dark and a troubled side of life.
There's a bright and a sunny side too.
But if you meet with the darkness and strife,
The sunny side we also may view.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we keep on the sunny side of life.
Oh, the storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear.
Clouds and storms will in time pass away.
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we'll keep on the sunny side of life.
So, there you have it! I guess you know I decided to turn my frown updside down and look at the sunny side of life! My ipod is oh so wise!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves to Keep On The Sunny Side, and I accept a nudge to get me there!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Blackstone Valley Bluegrass sure does some fast picking!
This Putnamaniac is counting down the days and minutes until I get to see the Blackstone Valley Bluegrass again!
I heard them last summer at a Fort Hill Farms event, and they were great! Fort Hill Farms informs me that they will be back again some more times this upcoming summer!
I think I am addicted!
If you are free on either of these dates, come and join me, and you will see how great these guys are!
*Saturday, January 28th, at the Killingly Grange, Rt 101 (just over the RI line). $12 for this show.
*Saturday, April 28th, at the Vanilla Bean, Rts 44 & 169, in Pomfret (just about 5 miles from me). $12 for this show, too.
*Here is their show schedule, as you might like to check them out when you have a free night.
I have been a fan of all sorts of music since I was a little kid, including Bluegrass and banjo picking - who didn't love Buck Owens and Roy Clark on Hee Haw. They could play and so can The Blackstone Valley Bluegrass!
Take a look and listen to some of their songs here.
I hope you will join me and have some fun! All are welcome and the more the merrier! After all, music does soothe the savage beast.
I am a Putnamaniac because I can pick so many fun things to do here, like enjoying the fast picking Blackstone Valley Bluegrass!
I heard them last summer at a Fort Hill Farms event, and they were great! Fort Hill Farms informs me that they will be back again some more times this upcoming summer!
I think I am addicted!
If you are free on either of these dates, come and join me, and you will see how great these guys are!
*Saturday, January 28th, at the Killingly Grange, Rt 101 (just over the RI line). $12 for this show.
*Saturday, April 28th, at the Vanilla Bean, Rts 44 & 169, in Pomfret (just about 5 miles from me). $12 for this show, too.
*Here is their show schedule, as you might like to check them out when you have a free night.
I have been a fan of all sorts of music since I was a little kid, including Bluegrass and banjo picking - who didn't love Buck Owens and Roy Clark on Hee Haw. They could play and so can The Blackstone Valley Bluegrass!
Take a look and listen to some of their songs here.
I hope you will join me and have some fun! All are welcome and the more the merrier! After all, music does soothe the savage beast.
I am a Putnamaniac because I can pick so many fun things to do here, like enjoying the fast picking Blackstone Valley Bluegrass!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Bouncing Beagles!
Putnam's River Trail gives me a lot of entertainment.
People walk on it, jog on it, push baby carriages on it. roller blade on it, gossip on it, kiss on it, and last but not least, they walk their dogs on it.
The other morning, with fresh snow carpeting the ground, I passed a single walker, and his bouncing beagle! And I mean the beagle was literally bouncing. He was so excited to be out in the snow with his owner.
Excited and bouncing are rather apt adverbs to apply to beagles!
They get on a scent and just go...and go....and go!
I've known many an energetic beagle in my day. Dawleyville had tons of beagles, and then those beagles had more beagles. Creative names like Girl, Girl-Sister, Henry, Old Henry, Puffer Belly, Crooked Tail, and Hortense were assigned and called out many time. When the pups ran lose in the woods, we'd call them in with the shouts of "The kids, the kids, the horrorful kids". They'd all bounce and bound from the woods and over the stone wall ready to play some more!
My cousin has a beagle named Binks. My friend has a beagle named Shiloh. They are bouncy beagles, too, and they are well loved!
It is so nice to have the River Trail in Putnam, since I use it to not only walk and jog on myself, but I also love to see so many others enjoying it, too - including bouncing beagles!
I am a Putnamaniac because I love the River Trail, and I love to see beagles bouncing on it!
People walk on it, jog on it, push baby carriages on it. roller blade on it, gossip on it, kiss on it, and last but not least, they walk their dogs on it.
The other morning, with fresh snow carpeting the ground, I passed a single walker, and his bouncing beagle! And I mean the beagle was literally bouncing. He was so excited to be out in the snow with his owner.
Excited and bouncing are rather apt adverbs to apply to beagles!
They get on a scent and just go...and go....and go!
I've known many an energetic beagle in my day. Dawleyville had tons of beagles, and then those beagles had more beagles. Creative names like Girl, Girl-Sister, Henry, Old Henry, Puffer Belly, Crooked Tail, and Hortense were assigned and called out many time. When the pups ran lose in the woods, we'd call them in with the shouts of "The kids, the kids, the horrorful kids". They'd all bounce and bound from the woods and over the stone wall ready to play some more!
My cousin has a beagle named Binks. My friend has a beagle named Shiloh. They are bouncy beagles, too, and they are well loved!
It is so nice to have the River Trail in Putnam, since I use it to not only walk and jog on myself, but I also love to see so many others enjoying it, too - including bouncing beagles!
I am a Putnamaniac because I love the River Trail, and I love to see beagles bouncing on it!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Addicted to GREAT guys and DD thanks to Uncle T!
My Uncle Terry is a GREAT guy.
He is not a good guy - he is a GREAT guy!
He would not like that I am writing this... he is very unassuming and does not realize that he is a GREAT guy! Attention is not something that he welcomes.
His actions are what he believes every person should be, and therefore no fanfare is necessary - He obviously believes that everyone should be "a GREAT guy"!
Growing up next door to "T" was advantageous to us Dawley "kids".
Who was always there, and still is always there?? That would be Uncle T.
A very simple example of this....I have not bought coffee for my house in almost 4 years now. Why, you ask??? It is because Uncle T got wind that I loved Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon Spice coffee around about 2007-2008. He buys me a bag often when he does his weekly shopping, and I have never had to buy coffee in years!
Does this make me think how lucky I am every morning when I wake up to the smell and then the taste of deliciousness??? The answer is YES!!! I am one lucky gal, addicted to DD, thanks to my Uncle T.
I am also addicted to GREAT guys...there are few of them around, but I am lucky to know many of them. I measure them all against Uncle T.
Uncle T has also become a fan of Putnamania over these past few years, too. One of his favorites places... Courthouse Bar & Grille, for their Scallops!!
I hope he can come and enjoy many a scallop dinner with me as the days march on!
I am a Putnamaniac that just loves a GREAT guy, like my Uncle T!
He is not a good guy - he is a GREAT guy!
He would not like that I am writing this... he is very unassuming and does not realize that he is a GREAT guy! Attention is not something that he welcomes.
His actions are what he believes every person should be, and therefore no fanfare is necessary - He obviously believes that everyone should be "a GREAT guy"!
Growing up next door to "T" was advantageous to us Dawley "kids".
Who was always there, and still is always there?? That would be Uncle T.
A very simple example of this....I have not bought coffee for my house in almost 4 years now. Why, you ask??? It is because Uncle T got wind that I loved Dunkin Donuts Cinnamon Spice coffee around about 2007-2008. He buys me a bag often when he does his weekly shopping, and I have never had to buy coffee in years!
Does this make me think how lucky I am every morning when I wake up to the smell and then the taste of deliciousness??? The answer is YES!!! I am one lucky gal, addicted to DD, thanks to my Uncle T.
I am also addicted to GREAT guys...there are few of them around, but I am lucky to know many of them. I measure them all against Uncle T.
Uncle T has also become a fan of Putnamania over these past few years, too. One of his favorites places... Courthouse Bar & Grille, for their Scallops!!
I hope he can come and enjoy many a scallop dinner with me as the days march on!
I am a Putnamaniac that just loves a GREAT guy, like my Uncle T!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Almost Little League time, and a bright face with a big glove in hand is ready for it now!
It is sign up time for Putnam Little League.
This is a sure sign of spring.
A car passed last weekend on the way to the Middle School sign up location, and the most excited boy was strapped into the family truckster. His face was aglow, and he was wearing his glove! He is ready for baseball right now! There is a baseball lover if I have ever seen one.
Reminds me of a few little boys I knew that loved baseball, too, and one that is now 50 years old, and still loving it!
Little League starts kids out well, with instruction in not only the game, but in many fine things about life; character, courage, loyalty.
My younger brother had great coaches in his little league days. They were shining examples to the boys, and many of the parents (who needed a lesson or two), and I am so glad my brother was lucky enough to be on that team. (I still have all the newspaper clippings of his games)! Take a look at Si, always my "Yiddle Man" when he was on the Freeborn Electric Bears.
Do you recall a wonderful coach that you looked up to? Are you that sort of grown up now?
I am a Putnamaniac because another season of Little League and the character development of our future is right around the corner!
This is a sure sign of spring.
A car passed last weekend on the way to the Middle School sign up location, and the most excited boy was strapped into the family truckster. His face was aglow, and he was wearing his glove! He is ready for baseball right now! There is a baseball lover if I have ever seen one.
Reminds me of a few little boys I knew that loved baseball, too, and one that is now 50 years old, and still loving it!
Little League starts kids out well, with instruction in not only the game, but in many fine things about life; character, courage, loyalty.
My younger brother had great coaches in his little league days. They were shining examples to the boys, and many of the parents (who needed a lesson or two), and I am so glad my brother was lucky enough to be on that team. (I still have all the newspaper clippings of his games)! Take a look at Si, always my "Yiddle Man" when he was on the Freeborn Electric Bears.
Do you recall a wonderful coach that you looked up to? Are you that sort of grown up now?
I am a Putnamaniac because another season of Little League and the character development of our future is right around the corner!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
My porch glows green for The Last Green Valley's Green Light Celebration!
This Putnamaniac's porch is aglow in GREEN!
This emerald shimmer is shining in honor, celebration, and support of The Last Green Valley!
Since I was born, I have been a fan of the land, spending my earliest years with my Poppa Moone, in the garden, covered from head to toe in good old fashioned Davisville, RI soil.
130 acres of Christmas trees in Hope, RI took up another 25 years of my spare time as I aged onwards. Weekends, holidays, vacations were spent with my "Farm Family" doing just what I loved - getting dirty outside, and making things grow. I especially miss trimming the trees, clipping the day away, and fertilizing the trees by carrying my bucket of fert and feeding each tree with a handful as if I were feeding some hungry chickens!
I've been lucky enough to own 5 homes, and although I've loved each of them, I was never attached to the structure as much as I was attached to each yard and the gardens that I established.
The "Renegade Garden" is my current project here in Putnamania, on the hill that slopes ever so steeply down to the Little River behind my condo.
My brother and sister nicknamed me "Digger", and still call me that to this day, as I love to dig! Plain and simple!
So of course, my home in Putnam, situated in The Last Green Valley, suits me perfectly.
What is The Last Green Valley?
The Last Green Valley is two things - it's the 35-town National Heritage Corridor where you live, and it's also your member-supported non-profit organization working locally to preserve the irreplaceable land, water, and cultural resources of the region.
Their slogan: The Last Green Valley – It’s Where You Live!
It IS where I live!!! Thank goodness - it fits me perfectly!
I am a Putnamaniac because I am aglow with green to support where I live, The Last Green Valley!
This emerald shimmer is shining in honor, celebration, and support of The Last Green Valley!
Since I was born, I have been a fan of the land, spending my earliest years with my Poppa Moone, in the garden, covered from head to toe in good old fashioned Davisville, RI soil.
130 acres of Christmas trees in Hope, RI took up another 25 years of my spare time as I aged onwards. Weekends, holidays, vacations were spent with my "Farm Family" doing just what I loved - getting dirty outside, and making things grow. I especially miss trimming the trees, clipping the day away, and fertilizing the trees by carrying my bucket of fert and feeding each tree with a handful as if I were feeding some hungry chickens!
I've been lucky enough to own 5 homes, and although I've loved each of them, I was never attached to the structure as much as I was attached to each yard and the gardens that I established.
The "Renegade Garden" is my current project here in Putnamania, on the hill that slopes ever so steeply down to the Little River behind my condo.
My brother and sister nicknamed me "Digger", and still call me that to this day, as I love to dig! Plain and simple!
So of course, my home in Putnam, situated in The Last Green Valley, suits me perfectly.
What is The Last Green Valley?
The Last Green Valley is two things - it's the 35-town National Heritage Corridor where you live, and it's also your member-supported non-profit organization working locally to preserve the irreplaceable land, water, and cultural resources of the region.
Their slogan: The Last Green Valley – It’s Where You Live!
It IS where I live!!! Thank goodness - it fits me perfectly!
I am a Putnamaniac because I am aglow with green to support where I live, The Last Green Valley!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Snowmen....I favor them all
I was all ready for winter this year!
I got new boots (first time in a gazillion years).
I got new gloves - lots of them.
I got a new scarf (first one I ever bought)!
I was ready to hike in the snow if I couldn't get any jogging in.
I was ready to build snowmen!
I have been happily surprised by a mild winter!! That is OK by me, I will not complain about that!
The snowman making has been a bit of a challenge, with no snow having arrived before today.
I tried this last weekend (pre-snow). Rock snowmen:
Hmmm, not too impressive...
It finally snowed the tiniest bit, and this is what I managed. A very tiny snowman:
Thank goodness I have some cozy fellows keeping me company in the condo:
Much warmer and colorful to hang out with these guys inside!
So, what do you think about a mild winter? Do you vote FOR or AGAINST?
I am a Putnamaniac because I favor all sorts of snowmen, even those made of rock!
I got new boots (first time in a gazillion years).
I got new gloves - lots of them.
I got a new scarf (first one I ever bought)!
I was ready to hike in the snow if I couldn't get any jogging in.
I was ready to build snowmen!
I have been happily surprised by a mild winter!! That is OK by me, I will not complain about that!
The snowman making has been a bit of a challenge, with no snow having arrived before today.
I tried this last weekend (pre-snow). Rock snowmen:
Hmmm, not too impressive...
It finally snowed the tiniest bit, and this is what I managed. A very tiny snowman:
Thank goodness I have some cozy fellows keeping me company in the condo:
Much warmer and colorful to hang out with these guys inside!
So, what do you think about a mild winter? Do you vote FOR or AGAINST?
I am a Putnamaniac because I favor all sorts of snowmen, even those made of rock!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Cold steam...
Since there are many rivers and waterfalls where I live, there are also many scenic views every day, every night, and during every season.
This morning was a frosty one, and we have not had too many of them yet this year in Northeast CT, so the views were a bit different than they have been as of late.
And they made my heart beat a little faster.....
Since I was driving to work, I did not stop to take the million of pictures that all would have been outstanding, so I will ask you to dig deep and use your imaginations. Paint a picture all your own...
Water, loud and fast - rushing over rocks and sticks, headlong down the falls, splashing loudly, dancing irreverently, and then meeting up with the flat and steady river again, winding its way along the well known path it has traveled forever.
Steam and spray rising above it all, created by the frigid air and the warmer water, adding to the dazzling morning display.
Further down the river, with the sun's early morning rays penetrating from behind the leafless branches of many a tree, they appear to be diamond encrusted sculptures... and again the cold steam rises above the river, giving the sight a dreamlike feel.
Can you picture it? It was something else!
As I got on 395 South and headed to work... I pictured my beautiful Putnamania as I drove away from it. Thank goodness for mental photo albums! Store up many beautiful sights and remember them when you need them.

I am a Putnamaniac because cold and steamy...and beautiful memories are made here!
This morning was a frosty one, and we have not had too many of them yet this year in Northeast CT, so the views were a bit different than they have been as of late.
And they made my heart beat a little faster.....
Since I was driving to work, I did not stop to take the million of pictures that all would have been outstanding, so I will ask you to dig deep and use your imaginations. Paint a picture all your own...
Water, loud and fast - rushing over rocks and sticks, headlong down the falls, splashing loudly, dancing irreverently, and then meeting up with the flat and steady river again, winding its way along the well known path it has traveled forever.
Steam and spray rising above it all, created by the frigid air and the warmer water, adding to the dazzling morning display.
Further down the river, with the sun's early morning rays penetrating from behind the leafless branches of many a tree, they appear to be diamond encrusted sculptures... and again the cold steam rises above the river, giving the sight a dreamlike feel.
Can you picture it? It was something else!
As I got on 395 South and headed to work... I pictured my beautiful Putnamania as I drove away from it. Thank goodness for mental photo albums! Store up many beautiful sights and remember them when you need them.

I am a Putnamaniac because cold and steamy...and beautiful memories are made here!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A little planning ahead can lead to great things, like clean sheets!
I am a big planner!
I always have a list, and goals, and I march onward until I have them done, and then I make new lists and goals.
This weekend was going to be a busy one, and that was clear before it even began.
So I planned ahead and since I was expecting to be pooped out tonight, earlier today, I changed my sheets!
On the long drive home tonight, I remembered "I have clean sheets! Woo hoooo!"
Now, finally home, shower taken, I now have the joy of hopping into bed with cozy, clean, and cool sheets!
Oooooh laaaaa laaaaa!
I will feel like a queen in my queen sized bed!
Little things like clean sheets are so nice to look forward to, don't you agree?
Treat yourself like a queen and love life, especially the little things!
I am a Putnamaniac because I enjoy planning ahead for the little things that bring me queenly joy!
I always have a list, and goals, and I march onward until I have them done, and then I make new lists and goals.
This weekend was going to be a busy one, and that was clear before it even began.
So I planned ahead and since I was expecting to be pooped out tonight, earlier today, I changed my sheets!
On the long drive home tonight, I remembered "I have clean sheets! Woo hoooo!"
Now, finally home, shower taken, I now have the joy of hopping into bed with cozy, clean, and cool sheets!
Oooooh laaaaa laaaaa!
I will feel like a queen in my queen sized bed!
Little things like clean sheets are so nice to look forward to, don't you agree?
Treat yourself like a queen and love life, especially the little things!
I am a Putnamaniac because I enjoy planning ahead for the little things that bring me queenly joy!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Tap tap tapping on your window pane....
I am always delighted by my usual "friends" I see when I am out jogging.
There is the old and gray faced golden retriever that always "ruffs" at me in his hoarse voice.
One of my many neighbors drives by waving almost every time I am out.
A tall, eccentric looking older gentleman is out often walking, sometimes alone, sometimes with his four legged friend.
The heron sometimes sticks his head up to nod a "good day" to me as I pass over his bridge.
And then there is the old timer that lives down by the Little River. He always has a smile and a kind word. I look forward to seeing him. At this time of year I don't seem him often, since it is a bit chilly to be sitting on the front porch. This morning, however, as I passed his house, I heard a "tap, tap, tapping" on his window pane. There he was smiling, waving and tapping away! What a nice surprise.
That got me thinking as I headed up the hill and home of a few other good uses of "tap, tap, tapping".
The classic Edgar Allan Poe poem, The Raven, of course uses this line:
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
A far less scary use of the "tap, tap, tapping" is in the song "Here Comes Suzy Snowflake".
This old timey version is Rosemary Clooney's famous rendition (and who hasn't loved her since the White Christmas days???). Take a look and harken back to olden & seemingly more innocent days.
And look forward to hearing the sound of a friendly neighbor "tap, tap, tapping" on his window pane to send a friendly hello your way!
I am a Putnamaniac because I look forward to a friendly hello, arriving in all forms, such as a "tap, tap, tap" on a window pane!
There is the old and gray faced golden retriever that always "ruffs" at me in his hoarse voice.
One of my many neighbors drives by waving almost every time I am out.
A tall, eccentric looking older gentleman is out often walking, sometimes alone, sometimes with his four legged friend.
The heron sometimes sticks his head up to nod a "good day" to me as I pass over his bridge.
And then there is the old timer that lives down by the Little River. He always has a smile and a kind word. I look forward to seeing him. At this time of year I don't seem him often, since it is a bit chilly to be sitting on the front porch. This morning, however, as I passed his house, I heard a "tap, tap, tapping" on his window pane. There he was smiling, waving and tapping away! What a nice surprise.
(this is not my "old fellow", but you get the picture...)
The classic Edgar Allan Poe poem, The Raven, of course uses this line:
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
A far less scary use of the "tap, tap, tapping" is in the song "Here Comes Suzy Snowflake".
This old timey version is Rosemary Clooney's famous rendition (and who hasn't loved her since the White Christmas days???). Take a look and harken back to olden & seemingly more innocent days.
And look forward to hearing the sound of a friendly neighbor "tap, tap, tapping" on his window pane to send a friendly hello your way!
I am a Putnamaniac because I look forward to a friendly hello, arriving in all forms, such as a "tap, tap, tap" on a window pane!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Shower the people you love with love
Well, I have a lot of things to say today, but not sure how to say them the best...
I truly think that people should treat each other kindly, and you should especially treat those you love kindly and with respect when you are with them.
Life is very short, and people come in and out of lives much too quickly.
Although I would like to help everyone that may seem to not be living and enjoying their life to the fullest, (a trait that I get from my mother, Uncle T, and their mother and father) I know that is not possible. And who am I to judge what their view of happiness is???
People make their own decisions as best as their capabilities allow, and choose their own happiness.
So, as my Uncle Rich has passed on to hopefully greener pastures and streams full of bass, I will let James Taylor say it best. And I will apologize for not speaking up more for yet another one that I think just couldn't do it for himself...
Listen to James Taylor sing out his thoughtful words....
I am a Putnamaniac that will work very hard at showing the people I love that I love them!
I truly think that people should treat each other kindly, and you should especially treat those you love kindly and with respect when you are with them.
Life is very short, and people come in and out of lives much too quickly.
Although I would like to help everyone that may seem to not be living and enjoying their life to the fullest, (a trait that I get from my mother, Uncle T, and their mother and father) I know that is not possible. And who am I to judge what their view of happiness is???
People make their own decisions as best as their capabilities allow, and choose their own happiness.
So, as my Uncle Rich has passed on to hopefully greener pastures and streams full of bass, I will let James Taylor say it best. And I will apologize for not speaking up more for yet another one that I think just couldn't do it for himself...
Just shower the people you love with love
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
Show them the way that you feel
Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
Shower the people you love with love
Show them the way you feel
Things are gonna be much better if you only will
I am a Putnamaniac that will work very hard at showing the people I love that I love them!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Amaryllis Ammmmamazing!
Do you know what an Amaryllis is??
It is a plant, more specifically a flowering plant that grows from a bulb, customarily bursting forth with blooms inside our homes during the winter months.
These beauties are often given and received as gifts.
This Putnamaniac is a very lucky Amaryllis recipient for two years in a row!
My neighbors delivered my first Amaryllis package last year, and I was amazed to take a big bulb, plant it in the soil mixture (which was created from a little soil tablet that when mixed with water transforms right before your eyes.), and then watch it grow to almost two feet tall, with sparkling gigantic red blooms perches atop!
Since these neighbors are of the most thoughtful nature, they got me another Amaryllis package this year! WOW!!! I was so surprised, delighted and excited! I quickly settled this year's beauty into the soil mixture and enjoyed the adventure of nature.
This year's Amaryllis grew so fast and it is so robust!
Take a look! What do you think??
The name Amaryllis is taken from a shepherdess in Virgil's pastoral Eclogues, from the Latin amarysso, meaning "to sparkle".
The name Amaryllis in the Putnamaniac's dictionary means: Surround yourself with wonderful neighbors and friends that are sparkling with kind hearts, embrace & appreciate them, and return the same sparkling and kind nature to them all.
I am a Putnamaniac because I am very lucky to be surrounded by people with sparkling and kind natures!
It is a plant, more specifically a flowering plant that grows from a bulb, customarily bursting forth with blooms inside our homes during the winter months.
These beauties are often given and received as gifts.
This Putnamaniac is a very lucky Amaryllis recipient for two years in a row!
My neighbors delivered my first Amaryllis package last year, and I was amazed to take a big bulb, plant it in the soil mixture (which was created from a little soil tablet that when mixed with water transforms right before your eyes.), and then watch it grow to almost two feet tall, with sparkling gigantic red blooms perches atop!
Since these neighbors are of the most thoughtful nature, they got me another Amaryllis package this year! WOW!!! I was so surprised, delighted and excited! I quickly settled this year's beauty into the soil mixture and enjoyed the adventure of nature.
This year's Amaryllis grew so fast and it is so robust!
Take a look! What do you think??
I put my pink ruler here (above pic) so you can see how tall it is!
The name Amaryllis is taken from a shepherdess in Virgil's pastoral Eclogues, from the Latin amarysso, meaning "to sparkle".
The name Amaryllis in the Putnamaniac's dictionary means: Surround yourself with wonderful neighbors and friends that are sparkling with kind hearts, embrace & appreciate them, and return the same sparkling and kind nature to them all.
I am a Putnamaniac because I am very lucky to be surrounded by people with sparkling and kind natures!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Husky time! U-C-O-N-N
Northeast CT LOVES the UConn Huskies!
Especially at this time of year! College Basketball is in full swing!
Flags are flying, sweatshirts and hoodies are worn, people talk the Gino and Calhoun talk.
This is my flag out in the Renegade Garden flying now! Since my neighbors are Husky fans, too, I know they love to enjoy the bright blue banner in the otherwise drab and pale surrounding of our winter in New England.
Fans are not from any specific category - they come in all ages, sex, shape, sizes.
We enjoy our UConn Husky basketball teams - both the men and women.
The teams sure provide great entertainment for us during the winter months (even during a not so bad yet winter like this one)!
So get out your pom-poms and cheer, cheer, cheer for the home team!
I am a Putnamaniac because we all love to cheer for UConn Husky Hoops!
Especially at this time of year! College Basketball is in full swing!
Flags are flying, sweatshirts and hoodies are worn, people talk the Gino and Calhoun talk.
This is my flag out in the Renegade Garden flying now! Since my neighbors are Husky fans, too, I know they love to enjoy the bright blue banner in the otherwise drab and pale surrounding of our winter in New England.
Fans are not from any specific category - they come in all ages, sex, shape, sizes.
We enjoy our UConn Husky basketball teams - both the men and women.
The teams sure provide great entertainment for us during the winter months (even during a not so bad yet winter like this one)!
So get out your pom-poms and cheer, cheer, cheer for the home team!
Go Huskies!! U-C-O-N-N!
I am a Putnamaniac because we all love to cheer for UConn Husky Hoops!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Small boy, LARGE CAT! Reminded me of Skee and Edward.
So today was a pretty great Monday!
With the combination of the days getting longer and my getting out of work on time, I saw lots of daylight after work!
I also saw a little boy walking through his side yard carrying a gigantic cat. (At least the cat looked gigantic compared to the small boy).
This sight gave me a flashback to another small boy and LARGE CAT combo that I knew.
My little brother, Skee, was the proud owner of Edward, the cat.
Our dad brought Edward home one day under his raincoat - he found him somewhere during the day at work.
It was instant love for Skee and Edward. They were inseparable for many years, except for the times that Edward went out and roamed the woods that were once behind our house. Skee would have to resort to the only known "cryptonite" to most all cats - we'd plug the can opener in by the back door, and Edward would arrive in a flash - hoping that a nice can of cat food were attached to the end of that can opener.
We grew up with an uncountable number of animals in Dawleyville, both inside and outside pets, but Edward is one of the most memorable!
Do you have memories of a favorite childhood pet??? Think of them and smile!
I am a Putnamaniac because today the small boy and LARGE CAT I saw reminded me of another similar combo from years ago!
With the combination of the days getting longer and my getting out of work on time, I saw lots of daylight after work!
I also saw a little boy walking through his side yard carrying a gigantic cat. (At least the cat looked gigantic compared to the small boy).
This sight gave me a flashback to another small boy and LARGE CAT combo that I knew.
My little brother, Skee, was the proud owner of Edward, the cat.
Our dad brought Edward home one day under his raincoat - he found him somewhere during the day at work.
It was instant love for Skee and Edward. They were inseparable for many years, except for the times that Edward went out and roamed the woods that were once behind our house. Skee would have to resort to the only known "cryptonite" to most all cats - we'd plug the can opener in by the back door, and Edward would arrive in a flash - hoping that a nice can of cat food were attached to the end of that can opener.
We grew up with an uncountable number of animals in Dawleyville, both inside and outside pets, but Edward is one of the most memorable!
Do you have memories of a favorite childhood pet??? Think of them and smile!
I am a Putnamaniac because today the small boy and LARGE CAT I saw reminded me of another similar combo from years ago!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
51 year old Putnamaniac takes a beat down from 6 year old Putnamaniac - twice this weekend!
My friend and fellow Putnamaniac, Seth, is 6 years old.
If you met him you would agree that he is very entertaining, smart, cute, engaging, and funny.
If you met his parents, you would know where he gets all those traits.
If you loves jokes, then Seth is your man. He always has a joke up his sleeve, and they usually include either a dinosaur or alligator....and farts! That is right up a 6 year old's alley (and mine, too)!
Seth also has the BIGGEST MUSCLES in all of Putnamania!
Seth brought out the "gun-show" and defeated me in almost every arm wrestling match we had last night, and today, too! (He also bragged that he beat his dad, too, so I guess I don't feel too badly about my beat down)!
Seth also taught me all about the new craze, beyblades.... and of course he beat me in all those wars, too, with just a tiny bit of cheating on his part!!
Children are amazing in their love of life and the joy and wonder you see in their eyes and hear in their voices. I am happy to know so many great kids, and I hope I always have kids in my life. I am very lucky because although I never got to have any kids of my own, everyone else always shares with me. Thank goodness!!
If you met him you would agree that he is very entertaining, smart, cute, engaging, and funny.
If you met his parents, you would know where he gets all those traits.
If you loves jokes, then Seth is your man. He always has a joke up his sleeve, and they usually include either a dinosaur or alligator....and farts! That is right up a 6 year old's alley (and mine, too)!
Seth also has the BIGGEST MUSCLES in all of Putnamania!
Seth brought out the "gun-show" and defeated me in almost every arm wrestling match we had last night, and today, too! (He also bragged that he beat his dad, too, so I guess I don't feel too badly about my beat down)!
Seth also taught me all about the new craze, beyblades.... and of course he beat me in all those wars, too, with just a tiny bit of cheating on his part!!
Children are amazing in their love of life and the joy and wonder you see in their eyes and hear in their voices. I am happy to know so many great kids, and I hope I always have kids in my life. I am very lucky because although I never got to have any kids of my own, everyone else always shares with me. Thank goodness!!
I am a Putnamaniac because I love kids, especially my fellow Putnamaniac, Seth! (His muscles kind of look like this - ask him for the GUN SHOW when you see him)!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Benefits of s l o w
In general I like it fast.
I move fast and never stop. A lot can be accomplished in a day if you set goals, keep a list, and stay on pace!
However, when I jog, I s l o w it way down.
This happens not necessarily by my choice, I just can't go fast now, and never have had that capability.
I think it is the universe's way of making me "slow down and smell the roses".
Benefits of s l o w are endless!
*You hear and see the chickadees, cardinals, ducks.
*See and hear the river rippling as you pass over the bridge.
*Salute all the flags a flying, patriotic and decorative.
*Plan out your day, week, life!
*Watch the black cat sitting in its front window, basking in the sun.
*Enjoy the usually irritating squirrels chasing each other up trees in the barber shop pole twirly pattern.
*Find an occasional piece of change and maybe even a dollar!
*Check out yards and gardens, in all seasons.
*Have just a little time all to yourself to do nothing but whatever your brain chooses.
So, s l o w down and enjoy. Look around and appreciate!
I am a Putnamaniac because I appreciate the benefits of s l o w, especially in this beautiful place!
I move fast and never stop. A lot can be accomplished in a day if you set goals, keep a list, and stay on pace!
However, when I jog, I s l o w it way down.
This happens not necessarily by my choice, I just can't go fast now, and never have had that capability.
I think it is the universe's way of making me "slow down and smell the roses".
Benefits of s l o w are endless!
*You hear and see the chickadees, cardinals, ducks.
*See and hear the river rippling as you pass over the bridge.
*Salute all the flags a flying, patriotic and decorative.
*Plan out your day, week, life!
*Watch the black cat sitting in its front window, basking in the sun.
*Enjoy the usually irritating squirrels chasing each other up trees in the barber shop pole twirly pattern.
*Find an occasional piece of change and maybe even a dollar!
*Check out yards and gardens, in all seasons.
*Have just a little time all to yourself to do nothing but whatever your brain chooses.
So, s l o w down and enjoy. Look around and appreciate!
I am a Putnamaniac because I appreciate the benefits of s l o w, especially in this beautiful place!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Focus on a good car!
I love my car!
She is such a faithful little 2006 focus, boasting just over 110,000 miles!
She is not a drama queen, just fuel her up, and provide her with scheduled oil changes, and she keeps on purring. I've never even had brakes put into her!
This is the 4th in a succession of Fords that I have had (mustang, escort, escape, and now focus).
I am pretty sure that my next choice will be of the Ford variety, too. How can I miss? I have had such superior luck, and very good service at Putnam Ford! I will be there for my 7am appointment tomorrow morning!
What is your brand?? Are you as happy with your vehicle choices and history?? If not, head on over to Putnam Ford if you are in CT, MA, or RI, otherwise find a Ford near you!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves her little faithful Ford Focus!
She is such a faithful little 2006 focus, boasting just over 110,000 miles!
She is not a drama queen, just fuel her up, and provide her with scheduled oil changes, and she keeps on purring. I've never even had brakes put into her!
This is the 4th in a succession of Fords that I have had (mustang, escort, escape, and now focus).
I am pretty sure that my next choice will be of the Ford variety, too. How can I miss? I have had such superior luck, and very good service at Putnam Ford! I will be there for my 7am appointment tomorrow morning!
What is your brand?? Are you as happy with your vehicle choices and history?? If not, head on over to Putnam Ford if you are in CT, MA, or RI, otherwise find a Ford near you!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves her little faithful Ford Focus!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
What the heck is Putnamania to me?
Putnamania is simply something I started to get into the good habit of focusing on positivity each and every day.
Sounds simple, but if you look and listen around, you will see that a lot of folks like to focus on the negatives.
Let's face it. Life has negatives, things are not always perfect, and bad things happen to good people.
I am not burying my head in the sand to these things, however, I know that they are a part of life.
I also know that there are many fine moments in life, and so many simple things to appreciate, too, if you just pay attention and enjoy them.
Whether it be something I see, something I hear, somewhere I go, something I do, I will focus in on it an appreciate the good in it.
I hope that you have your own method, place, routine, or whatever you do that is Putnamania to you!
I am a Putnamaniac that makes it a habit to focus on positivity every day!
Sounds simple, but if you look and listen around, you will see that a lot of folks like to focus on the negatives.
Let's face it. Life has negatives, things are not always perfect, and bad things happen to good people.
I am not burying my head in the sand to these things, however, I know that they are a part of life.
I also know that there are many fine moments in life, and so many simple things to appreciate, too, if you just pay attention and enjoy them.
Whether it be something I see, something I hear, somewhere I go, something I do, I will focus in on it an appreciate the good in it.
I hope that you have your own method, place, routine, or whatever you do that is Putnamania to you!
I am a Putnamaniac that makes it a habit to focus on positivity every day!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Past, Present, Future. Try to live for and with all three tenses!
People can get sidetracked with life by focusing on anything but the here and now....torturing themselves for a bad decision, glorifying a time past, daydreaming of how some possible future event might change their lives into a magical fairy tale...
There are tons of songs written about past days.
Check out:
Cher's Turn Back Time
Huey Lewis Back in Time
There are also songs that preach living only for today:
Nickelback If Today was Your Last Day
Tim McGraw Live Like you Were Dying
As well as songs about staying positive for the future:
Annie's Tomorrow
John Lennon's Imagine (a cool Reggae version)
Life at its best is moderation in all things.
There is a fine line in recalling past occasions to enjoy fondly and to learn lessons from, to live for today, but also to plan wisely for a good future.
Work at finding this tranquil place at the crossroads of your own Past, Present and Future! I will meet you there!
I am a Putnamaniac because the crossroads of my past, present and future are here!
There are tons of songs written about past days.
Check out:
Cher's Turn Back Time
Huey Lewis Back in Time
There are also songs that preach living only for today:
Nickelback If Today was Your Last Day
Tim McGraw Live Like you Were Dying
As well as songs about staying positive for the future:
Annie's Tomorrow
John Lennon's Imagine (a cool Reggae version)
Life at its best is moderation in all things.
There is a fine line in recalling past occasions to enjoy fondly and to learn lessons from, to live for today, but also to plan wisely for a good future.
Work at finding this tranquil place at the crossroads of your own Past, Present and Future! I will meet you there!
I am a Putnamaniac because the crossroads of my past, present and future are here!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Life leads you!
Life leads us all, and we certainly have a lot of say in what we choose to do, but I think some things just work out for a reason.
Life led me to Putnamania.
I couldn't be more happy about this outcome.
Everywhere I go, I run into a bright and smiling face of someone that I have come to love, admire, enjoy!
There are scenic views everywhere.
Home sweet home!
Like lyrics from the old Chicago song sing:
Life led me to Putnamania.
I couldn't be more happy about this outcome.
Everywhere I go, I run into a bright and smiling face of someone that I have come to love, admire, enjoy!
There are scenic views everywhere.
Home sweet home!
Like lyrics from the old Chicago song sing:
All roads lead to you
Wherever I go
Everytime I told you I was just passing through
What my heart didn’t know, was all roads lead to you
Wherever I go
Everytime I told you I was just passing through
What my heart didn’t know, was all roads lead to you
I am a Putnamaniac because life's road led me here!
Monday, January 2, 2012
New beginnings
There was this empty house down the road from me.
It was for sale for quite a while.
During the late summer someone bought it!
It is so invigorating to drive past and see life in that house again - once again someone's home.
Thanksgiving day, there were cars everywhere...I could almost smell the turkey cooking.
On the nights leading up to Christmas, the front window boasted a sparkling tree, with multicolored lights!
New Year's Eve had the driveway filled to the brim.
Such a simple thing like a house full of life and fun make me so very happy!
Find your home and love every minute!
I am a Putnamaniac because I found my home here, and I am so happy when others find theirs as well!
PS - If you would like to find your home here in Northeast CT, I can recommend a great realtor! Won't you come and be my neighbor??
It was for sale for quite a while.
During the late summer someone bought it!
It is so invigorating to drive past and see life in that house again - once again someone's home.
Thanksgiving day, there were cars everywhere...I could almost smell the turkey cooking.
On the nights leading up to Christmas, the front window boasted a sparkling tree, with multicolored lights!
New Year's Eve had the driveway filled to the brim.
Such a simple thing like a house full of life and fun make me so very happy!
Find your home and love every minute!
I am a Putnamaniac because I found my home here, and I am so happy when others find theirs as well!
PS - If you would like to find your home here in Northeast CT, I can recommend a great realtor! Won't you come and be my neighbor??
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Every New Year people make outrageous resolutions!
I will lose 50 lbs by the end of the month.
I will pay off my house by June (even though I have 6 mortgages on it now).
I will learn to play the violin.
I will split an atom.
I will adopt a family of elephants and bring them to live with me (even though I live in a one bedroom apt in New York City).
I will be a better person. (What does that mean??? Be specific, like I will smile at one gloomy looking gus every day).
Well, maybe they aren't all that outrageous, but they might as well be, since most don't stick with them for more than a few days.
I like do-able goals and resolutions.
Years ago a friend of mine resolved to read 12 books a year (1 book a month average). Now that sounds not only something he could achieve, but something that will bring him great joy!
Good luck with your resolutions! Make them do-able and enjoyable ones! You will feel great when you carry through with that promise to yourself!
I am a Putnamaniac because I like to set reasonable resolutions and goals, all year long, and follow through with them!
I will lose 50 lbs by the end of the month.
I will pay off my house by June (even though I have 6 mortgages on it now).
I will learn to play the violin.
I will split an atom.
I will adopt a family of elephants and bring them to live with me (even though I live in a one bedroom apt in New York City).
I will be a better person. (What does that mean??? Be specific, like I will smile at one gloomy looking gus every day).
Well, maybe they aren't all that outrageous, but they might as well be, since most don't stick with them for more than a few days.
I like do-able goals and resolutions.
Years ago a friend of mine resolved to read 12 books a year (1 book a month average). Now that sounds not only something he could achieve, but something that will bring him great joy!
Good luck with your resolutions! Make them do-able and enjoyable ones! You will feel great when you carry through with that promise to yourself!
I am a Putnamaniac because I like to set reasonable resolutions and goals, all year long, and follow through with them!
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