Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hey Chip, where is Dale?

We saw this chubby cheeked little rodent while on our River Trail walk tonight.

These always reminds me of Chip & Dale, the little Disney chipmunks...

Which always reminds me of this Saturday Night Live skit from days of old, with Chris Farley & Patrick Swayze auditioning for the Chippendales. Classic. And how sad that both these great talents are no longer with us.

Enjoy what you see, and enjoy where your brain leads you after seeing those sights!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves Chip and Dales of all sorts!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fireworks baby!!!!


This is the time of year for them to explode!!!


Wednesday, July 3rd is Killingly's Red, White & Blue Chicken BBQ & Fireworks at Owen Bell Park.

Saturday, July 6th is Putnam's Concerts & Fireworks at Rotary Park. These are out of the park home run fireworks every year!!!

I can't wait.

Fireworks are the ultimate summer enjoyment for me!!!!! A glimpse of the past...

And did I say I can't wait??

I am a Putnamaniac that loves her town's fireworks ~ and CAN'T WAIT!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Little tike and dad holding hands at the gas station filled me up with love!

What a week.

It was out of sorts and stressful for a few reasons beyond my control.

That is life.

I like control, but I know I can't have it all the time.

Roll with the punches.

So, driving home tonight, after a long week of work, I was not feeling the usual pep & vigor...

...Until I drove past a gas station, where a man was pumping his gas, while his young son of approximately 4 years old held his hand... looking up at his dad like he was just the best thing since sliced bread.

That was all I needed to be filled with a glowing love at the goodness that life and people can be .

It sure was a great sight and a nice feeling.

I am a Putnamaniac that loved to see the dad & son holding hands while pumping gas!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Do some Rocking and Bopping Saturday night for the Deary Memorial Cancer Fund

Looking for some fun this Saturday night, June 29th, 2013?

Check this great event out! I am so bummed that I can't make it...

Here is the info from the event's Facebook page:
Join us for an evening of Rocking n Bopping n Swinging n grooving to Nine6teen 
When: June 29th from 8:00pm to 10:00 pm. 
Where: The Vanilla Bean Cafe' , corner of Rts 44/169, Pomfret, CT
What: Nine6teen plays a variety of music : James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, U2, Paula Cole, Springsteen, Beatles and much more. 
More Fun: There will be Drawings and Door Prizes!
Ticket Info: Tickets $12.00 pp and are available at Longmeadow Automotive, The Vanilla Bean Café and WINY.  

All monies raised go to the Deary Memorial Cancer Fund.

These monies raised STAY LOCAL here in Northeast CT to help your friends, family, and neighbors. They will be there for you, too, if you ever need it.
What a cheap, fun date night and you make a donation for a great local cause ~ all wrapped up. There is not beating that combo.  Bring on the fun!

I am a Putnamaniac that wants everyone to be rocking and bopping this Saturday night!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Do you worry about the cows out in a field in the lightning? Hmmmm... I do!

This might just be another sign that I can be a bit "different", but tonight as I was driving home again in the pouring rain, with lightning streaking everywhere in the sky, and thunder boomers rocking the ground, I was worrying about all the cows out in the fields.

(not my picture... found it online, but it gives you the idea)!

Sure, they are cows, and I am not even close to being considered an "animal" person, but....

...We are loaded with farms and fields and cows in Northeast CT.

I drive by tons of them on my way to work in Andover, and home again to Putnam.

I was a little worried about those moo-ers tonight, standing out there in a big field as Mother Nature pitched a fit.

Did you ever think of this or worry about them? I can surely worry about anything under the sun... and rain!

I am a Putnamaniac that was a little worried about the fields full of cows out in the lightning storm tonight!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Putnam's River Trail is a great gift ~ Happy Trails to you!

I was lucky enough to actually be IN Putnam for a little while yesterday morning.

I was so excited that I took not only a walk along the River Trail, but I then took a jog there, too!

 Picture from

This may not sound like much, but I don't get to spend a ton of time in Putnam, even though I live here. The River Trail is so beautiful and everyone is always out enjoying it. I am ecstatic when I can be one of the enjoyers.

There were people walking, biking, jogging, with family, friends, pets.

Many were watching the water fall, feeding the ducks, picture taking.

Some were even putting in kayaks for a paddle along the swiftly running Quinebaug.

The River Trail is a magnet for enjoyment, and maybe it just doesn't take much to make me happy, but I am thrilled to have such a beautiful place where I live.

If you haven't been to Putnam, you must visit and while you are here squeeze in a walk along the River Trail. It won't take you long, and you will love it!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves our River Trail!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Duck Race ~ quacktastic!

Plan on visiting Putnam on Sunday, August 11, 2013 to see the Arc Quinebaug Valley's 16th Annual Rubber Duckie Race.

Get your tickets now for just $5 per duck.

It is awesome to see the bucket loader drive onto the bridge, loaded to the gills with glowing yellow duckies, and dumping them into the river.

As the duckies race towards the finish line, the crowds cheer them on, hoping one of their ducks will be a big prize winner! There are TONS of prizes, so your chances are good to win, but we are all winners by being a part of this great local fundraiser.

Best of all, there is a good soul that dresses up in a rubber duckie costume that wanders the crowd, and is always ready for picture taking with a quacktastic smiling beak. I have posed for pictures with this fun rubber duckie, as you might have guessed!

I hope to see you at this year's Arc Rubber Duckie Race! It is always fun, entertaining, community & family fun!

I am a Putnamaniac that already has adopted her Arc Ducks for this year's race!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Longmeadow Auto DONATES a van to local organization TEEG!

Did you see the title of this blog?

Longmeadow Auto DONATES a van to local organization TEEG!

Seriously???? !!!!! ?????

YES! I had to read it a few times to let it sink in.

These local business owners are well known to give back to the community, but this is still an amazingly selfless and generous act.

This van will be used by TEEG for their summer lunch program.

Outstanding. Amazing. Awesome. Fantastic... and every other great adjective that you can think of!

You can "like" Longmeadow Auto and TEEG on facebook.

I am a Putnamaniac that lives near great people, especially Longmeadow Automotive's owners!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

HAY!!! It is hay season!

One of the gazillion things I love about summer and my long drives to and from work over county roads is the hay fields.

I love the hay when it is tall and blowing in the breeze.

I love the fields when they are being cut.

I love the fields when the bales are made and waiting to be picked up and brought into storage.

I love driving 10 miles per hour behind a big tractor loaded to the hilt with their efforts. Seriously, it is one of those times when I stop to smell .... the .... hay.

It surely is good living here in Northeast CT.

 I am a Putnamaniac that loves hay season!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bus Stop Love

It was pretty easy to spot a positive thing on this fine late spring day in Northeast CT.

On my way to work, I often pass a little girl waiting for the school bus, accompanied by her dad and their dog.

Some days she is standing in the pouring rain, swinging her umbrella beside her, and therefore getting soaking wet.

Some days she is skipping around her dad.

This morning she was down on a knee hugging her dog, and dad was down there, too, hugging them both.

Pretty sweet sight to start the day off right.

Keep your eyes open for these little precious miracles and welcome them into your heart.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to see Bus Stop Love!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Woodcocks in Woodstock... well... actually in Pomfret at the Audubon Land! (but that doesn't rhyme, does it)?

Right around the corner, here in Northeast CT, lies our Audubon Center.

Located at 218 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 (phone: 860-928-4948) it is gorgeous ~ a view to take your breath away, a lovely new building filled with nature's delights (you need to go check it out since words can't paint the picture like a visit will), trails full of flora & fauna, rivers, wildlife!

I've visited in many seasons and under the canopy of many various skies ~ and each trip holds a new surprise.

This past weekend we got yet another delightful surprise as we hiked the trails.

We were amazed at the high water still present and the proof that it had recently been much higher.

But the most amazing thing was a woodcock that we set aflutter! He was nestled comfortably amongst the leaves and underbrush. Our close presence made him think flight would be the correct choice at that moment. He flew right up in front of us! As he parted, we got such a glimpse, it was goose bump inspiring!

This is not my photo. I had my camera but was too flabbergasted to take a picture of this delightful bird!

We both yelled "OH MY GOSH - A WOODCOCK". Pretty sure we startled a lot of other creatures with our excitement, but that was the first time I had seen a woodcock in person, and I was so close that I could have touched it! What a beak!!!! Reminded me of a hummingbird on steroids ~ lots of steroids!

So, yup, you guessed it. Wildlife can get me pretty excited! Take a trip to the Audubon Center in Pomfret and get yourself excited, too!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to spot wildlife and the Audubon Center is a great place to do it!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Local entertainment ~ no traffic or late night rides home!

Do you love big concerts???

I do! And I went to see Dave Matthews Band last night at the big joint in Mansfield, MA that changes names so quickly that I can't keep up with it.

IT WAS GREAT! Great music and such a great crowd, spending time with great family/friends before the show, too.

However, every great show must come to an end... Then you get stuck in traffic, which seems like it lasts forever, and onward to the long drive home. It is late, you are tired, the adrenaline is gone, you're thinking about work early the next morning.....

Luckily right in downtown Putnam, we have great entertainment options available all the time. The crowds are not so imposing, the traffic is a breeze, and the travel time is next to nothing. I don't even have time for my car heater or A/C to kick in before I am already home!

Putnam has:

The Bradley Playhouse, which offers fine theatrical performances (musicals, dramas, comedies) as well as musical/concert type offerings from time to time as well.

The Complex Performing Arts Centre, which also offers fine theatrical performances (many unusual and challenging productions) as well as great performance classes for all ages.

The Stomping Ground offers live music every night! (Plus yummy food and drink).

Rotary Park hosts up River Fires a few times each summer, accompanied by some exceptional talent ~ some big names, like Linda Eder coming this summer ~ and some local talent, closing out each night with "Calgon take me away" type tunes provided by WINY Radio.

There are many more options like these within the Northeast CT borders, but these are all within 2 miles of my home. How sweet is that? Not many small towns can boast such options!

So, although I do like to go to a BIG expensive show, I am very spoiled to have the opportunity to see entertainment every bit as grand right here in my own back yard, for very little cost, and often times for FREE). I consider that a great addition to my quality of life.

Make your life one to enjoy.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves my local entertainment opportunities!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Make a choice - that is what free will is all about!

The delicious Courthouse Bar & Grille in Putnam was the meeting place for a visit with a good friend of mine recently.

Everything under the sun came up as a topic; some random stuff, some stuff in just catching up with each other's busy lives.

As we updated each other about both the good and bad things that have happened recently and in the far past, we both agreed on a few things:

1) Nobody gets through life unscathed. That is life.

2) You can choose how you will get through these things in life.

3) It is nice to know yourself and most importantly, be happy with yourself. Don't let other people bully you into something that you are not. Show them the door and escort them out!

Sure, it is easy to be perky and pleasant when things are going swimmingly. But, the true test is when life is stinking up the joint. How do you choose to handle it then?

Over the many years of my life, in general, I can be a worry wart, and I want everything to run perfectly as planned and in it's place.

Over the many years, I know you don't always get what you want. There are just some things that are out of your control, no matter how much force you exert to control them.

Make a choice and find a way to deal with life - the good and the bad. Being miserable hurts no one but you. You don't deserved to be miserable or punished for life getting in the way of all your plans.

Surrounding yourself with positive people is a HUGE help in achieving your own peace. I start each day out positively by tuning into my positively great local radio station, WINY Radio. Even if you don't live in Northeast CT, you can listen online. If you need a positive jump start to your day, give it a listen, starting bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6am!

I am a free willed Putnamaniac that works hard on making the choice to be positive!

Friday, June 14, 2013

History can be a blast! A blast from the past!

Recently someone recommended the book The History of Windham County by Ellen Larned to me.

Since I have only lived in Windham County for a bit less than a decade (that is good historic sounding time frame, don't you think??), of course I wanted to get this book and investigate.

Although the book is filled with many names and many dates, I was happily amazed to see that I was familiar with many of the historical stories listed within the pages of this book.

This knowledge had come to me previously by just getting out and doing a lot of "stuff" around Northeast CT, including The Last Green Valley's Walktobers!

I learned about the New Roxbury area of Woodstock being settled by hearty folks from Roxbury, MA as I visited Roseland Cottage, aka The Pink House, and the burial grounds across the street.

On the Wolf Den Park hike I crawled in and out of (very quickly) the Wolf Den where Israel Putnam killed the last big, bad wolf in our area that had been terrorizing many a farmer and their herds.

The frogs croaked scarily in my imagination as I crossed the Frog Bridge in Willimantic and learned that entertaining story.

History can be a lot of fun. There were characters back then as there are today. Since it was such a different world and lifestyle back then, it seems even more fun to learn about it now.

Get out and discover the past!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves local history, and in fact, I think it is a blast!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stop lights - too long or too short? Weigh in!

How do you feel about stop lights?

We need them - maybe not as many as we have, but some are vital.

Sometimes they feel like they take F O R E V E R to change from red to green and get you on your way. These are the times when you are just sitting there, waiting...

Sometimes they feel like they are not red long enough. These are the times that you maybe need to tie your shoe, or fill out a bank deposit slip, or write yourself a note.

As a person that tries to use every second of my time as wisely as possible, I am a fan of red lights, and sometimes wish they were about 3 seconds longer!

Try to tie your shoe at a stop light sometime. See if you can do it!

I am a Putnamaniac that likes to use my time wisely at the stop lights I hit along my travels!

Putnamaniac Activity Calendar

Monday, June 10, 2013

Precious life.

We all know we are not going to last forever.

My grandfather told me that as a young child.

The quote was something like "you start dying the moment you are born."

Yesterday I was out enjoying the beautiful green June day, taking a hike and taking in gorgeous scenery and companionship.

At the same time a wonderfully dear young man's life was ending after a fierce battle with cancer.

I worked with this fine man years ago. He is kind, funny, sincere, a wonderful father and friend. He will be sorely missed by many, probably more than he ever could imagine.

He knew the secret to life and how to get everything out of it. It is very unfair that he didn't have more time.

There is most certainly another angel looking down upon us tonight.

Get out and enjoy your life to the fullest. Be kind to each other. Be gracious and thankful for what you have. Life does not last forever so make the most of it.

I am a Putnamaniac that is saddened for the loss of a great man on this earth

Saturday, June 8, 2013

GOAL ~ you can SCORE big time for The Last Green Valley by becoming a member!

Hockey season is almost over - and the Bruins have been scoring big in the playoffs! There is nothing better for fans than hearing the play caller yelling "SCORE"!!!!!!

You can also SCORE by becoming a member of The Last Green Valley.We have a blast!

(Here is a shot of us having fun in Putnam's Holiday Dazzle Light Parade)

Membership is ridiculously reasonably priced at $25 per year for individuals or $45 per year for families. Give up a couple of cups of coffee a year, and become a proud member.

Do you know what The Last Green Valley is? (It is your member-supported, non-profit stewardship organization working locally to celebrate our heritage, conserve our natural resources, and respect our working lands).

Do you know where The Last Green Valley is? (It is made up of 35 towns in MA and CT, running roughly from Sturbridge/Brimfield, MA area, along the CT/RI border, out to Coventry, CT and down to the Norwich area).

Upon membership you will receive a free "green" shopping bag. I use mine for all sorts of things. They come in very handy. You will also receive emails announcing "member only" programs. They are a blast! A 10% discount is also all yours when you shop on The Last Green Valley's online shop.
Most of all you will be proud to support and be a part of such a great local organization.

If you love where you live (or come to visit), there is no excuse not to become a member.

You can "like" The Last Green Valley on Facebook here.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves being a member of The Last Green Valley and is going make sure all my friends are members, too!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Retire your flag - June 9, 2013 is the day! Putnam Elks will take care of this for you!

Did you know there is a correct way to "retire" your old flag?

The Putnam Elks will do this for you.

Sunday, June 9th is the retirement date this year. 

WINY Radio has a blue barrel in front of their station now. Simply drive in and deposit your old flag there. The Putnam Elks will do the rest.

You can "like" the Putnam Elks on facebook and keep up to date with all their happenings.

I am a Putnamaniac because the Putnam Elks help out the community is so many ways!

Putnamaniac Activity Calendar

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Paddle for a Cure! Another great community event in Northeast CT ~ Sunday, June 9th, 2013

As a kid I wasn't fond of "paddling" because that is usually what happened when you were naughty!

I only remember getting paddled once... when I was pretty young, like under the age of 5.

I stood up in the pew at church and kept inching away from my mother. She gave me fair warning, but on her last request for me to sit down, I boldly yelled "NO" at the top of my lungs. So, ok, I deserved that paddling and have behaved since then (....for the most part).

Today's paddling is a lot more fun! People are canoeing and kayaking all over the place, and a great event is coming up in Sunday, June 9th - Starting at 10am at Riverside Park - Greenway Drive. Brooklyn, CT 06239. This is right behind Johnny's Pizza if you are not familiar with the area.

The event is the Paddle for a Cure. (You can "like" the Paddle on facebook and find out lots more). 

The funds raised will stay local at Day Kimball Hospital's Oncology Department.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves the local support shown at events like the Paddle for a Cure!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Another First Friday is here ~ come downtown for free entertainment & socialization!

This Friday night, June 7, 2013 is another fun, free, and entertaining time in downtown Putnam, thanks to our First Friday street fest!

Putnam loads the downtown streets with artists, crafters, musicians, food, and all around good guys.

There is no admission fee, and there is no obligation to purchase anything from the vendors or downtown businesses, but you just might see something that you can't resist!

I guarantee the entertainment is irresistible, plus you will meet friends, new and old!

This Putnamaniac will be there as a representative for The Last Green Valley, and we'll be hosting a craft table for the kids. This month's craft is great, simple, and fun! Dragonflies made out of maple "helicopters" and twigs!

I hope to see you in downtown Putnam for June's First Friday celebration!

You can "like" First Fridays on facebook.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves our First Fridays!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Particle Accelerator ~ big FREE concert Saturday to benefit suidide prevention

This Saturday, June 8th, 2013, from 11am to 11pm, there is a FREE concert in Rotary Park in Putnam.

The event I am talking about is Particle Accelerator, and this is their 7th annual concert being held in order to raise awareness about depression and suicide prevention.

Particle Accelerator works in conjunction with United ServicesUnited Services offer comprehensive mental health care to people regardless of their health insurance situation.

Particle Accelerator is personal to the people who started this great fundraiser, as their son and friend committed suicide.  I understand their feelings, since my brother also committed suicide. It is a most helpless feeling to have someone you love take their own life. There is a lot of guilt. There is a lot of everything.

To take the initiative to turn an awful occurrence into something positive, like the Particle Accelerator concert, is amazing and something that not many others could or would do.

I salute the founders of Particle Accelerator.

You can donate online to this cause. Pay it literally forward and who knows who you help by doing this.

Then come on down to Rotary Park and rock on this Saturday!

I am a Putnamaniac that salutes the good people who organize Particle Accelerator!

Monday, June 3, 2013

NECT's surrounded by scenic and natural beauty everywhere ~ all within spitting distance

I knew an elderly gentleman years ago that would always note the close proximity of places by "being close enough that you could spit on them".

For better or for worse, I have adopted that saying over the years...

Over these past couple of years I have also taken some "me" time to get out and really explore the beautiful areas in my home of Northeast CT.

I am never disappointed and often come home pooped out, sweated up, and not only dazzled but more deeply in love with this area.

Yesterday was another breathtaking experience ~ and my first visit to Old Furnace State Park in Killingly, CT.  It took me about 10 minutes to drive there. 10 minutes.....

We climbed up, up, up to a very high bluff that looked out upon lands, lots of land ~ as well as a lively pond, and trees lots of trees. Wow!!!

What a view. The fall season will find me back there to view the leaves as they show off their glorious autumn blast!

Along the climb we saw so many Mountain Laurels in full bloom and delicate Lady Slippers, too. I actually gasped when I saw these I was so delighted!

Since life is very short, it sure is nice to experience as much as you can, while you can. There are so many places right within your reach and that cost nothing but a little of your time. This is a great investment in quality of life.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to get out within "spitting distance" to enjoy my surroundings!