Whenever family and friends visit, they love to check them out and reminisce of days of old.
This photo gallery has been dubbed the "Hall/Wall of Fame/Shame" forever.
In our new home, the Hall/Wall Fame/Shame continues, and it is still growing.
Although we bought the house in September of last year, my hubby is still unpacking... believe it or not....
He is a self admitted bad mover, and he does not get the pleasure out of making goals and completing them quite like I do. So, he recently came upon a box of pictures, including lots of fishing trips with his dad, Bob-Bob. Sadly, Bob-Bob passed away almost a year ago now, so it was very emotional to see the pictures. My hubs misses his dad every day. Up went to the new filled frames to the Hall/Wall.
Lots of people that are not physically with us now are present on this Hall/Wall. We still get to see them every single day, and it reminds us that they are always with us, especially in making us each a part of what and who we are today. Treasure it!
I am a Putnamaniac that loves our Hall/Wall of Fame/Shame and all the folks in our lives that make it possible!