Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Loop the loop that doesn't get me woozy!

On my regular "Fitness Quest", I go out for lots of jogs around town.

There are lots of loop the loops to take. Not the carnival loop the loops that get me woozy (and worse...), but different loops and paths around town. Today's 4.5 miles took me past, over and through:

*the Water Authority. preparing the water for my shower when I get home
*the High School, Middle School, and Elementary School, ready for another day full of encouraging young minds tomorrow
*a yummy smelling pizza place, which almost drew me in with its magnetic force and images of a mushroom slice in my mind
*a couple of bubbly, duck filled rivers
*Rotary Park, where the Big Dog Art display is still going on, and little dogs were walking their owners
*Cargill Water Falls, spraying a fine mist over me
*WINY Radio, putting their jingle in my head "There's always something to do, always something to see..."
*a funeral home, thankfully not hosting a sad occasion tonight
*the Town Hall, with its steeple reaching high and proud
*the Town's Soccer, Football, and Baseball fields - all filled with tiny superstars!

Do you have awesome loop the loops like this in your town, where you can see so many things in just a short few miles?  Remember to take a few minutes each day to get out and enjoy your community!

I am a Putnamaniac because the loop the loops around town don't get me woozy like carnival rides do!

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