Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joy!!! As is Suzanne Joy - My little seesta!

Joy, Joy, Joy!

The dictionary says: Joy,[joi] ,noun

1.the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation
2.a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated
3.the expression or display of glad feeling; festive gaiety.
4.a state of happiness or felicity.
I say JOY means all this and more - it has a special meaning for me. 

As I was quickly approaching my 8th birthday, my mother was quite pregnant. I kept hoping that baby would arrive just for my birthday - what a great gift. 
The names for a boy and girl were chosen (since that was back in the day that you didn't know what you were having until it poked it's self out and let you know they had arrived). If a baby girl arrived, her name would be Jody Gail. 

A week after my birthday, my little sister arrived!!! I WAS SO EXCITED!!! Mom brought her home, and I was ready to meet little Jody Gail. However, Jody Gail didn't seem to fit and she was named hereafter Suzanne Joy!

We have had a ton of fun over the years in telling Sue she was named Joy because we knew she was going to bring us much joy, and joy she has delivered.

This Christmas, at a gathering of neighbors at my condo, my fast walking neighbor (mentioned in a previous blog "Her boots are made for walking") brought me this little item - that says JOY on it. I set it on the windowsill next to the pictures I have of my brothers, Skee & Si, and sister, Sue. It brings me joy, as do they!

I am a Putnamaniac because I have a lot of joy in my life!

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