Monday, April 30, 2012

They put the romantic in Willimantic!

At my usual stop at the Willimantic Reservoir/Airport path today after work for my jog I saw a pretty cool thing. It made me smile from ear to ear - not at first, but eventually!

There was a couple ahead of me...walking very slowly... the lady looked uncomfortable and was wearing even more uncomfortable looking sandals... They were holding hands.

My initial, impatient reaction was "get out of my way slowpokes".

Like I should talk about being a slowpoke! Although I am fast and efficient at accomplishing most things. jogging is not one of them. I have one speed jogging - s l o w....

I passed them and went along my way, out to the end and back.

Coming back, I passed them again - face to face. This time I was feeling pretty good, with the positive effects of my daily jog kicking in.

I noticed something. The gal was quite pregnant - no wonder she was walking so slowly and looked so uncomfortable when I went by them the first time! They were still holding hands and still going very slowly. She remarked to him how nice it felt to be out for a walk on such a nice day.

Nice indeed.

I am a Putnamaniac because I saw a couple who put the romantic in Willimantic this afternoon!

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