Sunday, October 12, 2014

A bi-weekly clean up call to action for Putnamaniacs!

Litter can be a problem. The solution.....

Starting Sunday, October 19, 2014, every other week at 8 am, "Putnamania ~ Team Move it or Lose it" are going to meet for a quick clean up of the Providence Street area near Turtle's Tacos.

There is a public parking lot available to park in, across the street from Turtle's. There are 2 levels of parking, so park in either the upper or lower lot.

Please come to these clean ups as often as you can, and be sure to bring a friend or family member or two... or more.

This will not take much of your time - just an hour every other week. You will still be able to enjoy your day afterwards, perhaps more so, since you will feel so good about yourself and what you are doing to be a part of the solution.

Plus, we will have FUN and enjoy a ton of laughs! We will make the best out of our hour clean up time together every other week.

Note that Rick, the owner of Turtle's Tacos has been cleaning up the area around his restaurant for some time now, with the help of his employees. He just gets so disgusted with the area around his business looking so unsightly, he took it upon himself. As a proud resident of Putnam, I think it is only fair to chip in and help keep our town clean, and this little bi-weekly clean up will help.

Please come and help me! Starting Sunday, October 19th, meet me there. I will have bags, you should bring your own gloves!

I am a Putnamaniac with the call to action - bi-weekly Sunday morning cleans ups!

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