Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unloading a truck on a rainy day can be fun!

My momma always taught us kids how to have fun!

Whether you were cleaning your closet, out in the woods picking blueberries together, snapping green beans from the garden for canning, babysitting your little brother and sister or having homemade apple crisp in the fresh fall air for dessert, have fun doing it!

That advice has been followed and revisited successfully many times over the years. Somethings are much easier to have fun doing, but you can pretty much always talk yourself into fun!

That happened today!

The Last Green Valley's Walktober brochures were ready to be delivered, and half were coming to my garage. The old truckster followed me up Rte. 395 in the pouring rain, backed in to the driveway, and we unloaded 3 pallets or approximately 12,000 Walktober brochures! One guy in the truck handing each box to me and the other guy one by one.

It was fast, it was fun, we laughed about getting in our much needed cardio work.

It is amazing what a smile and a good attitude can do!

I'm a Putnamaniac that is happy to unload a truck full of boxes in the rain any day!

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