Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hello Mudda....I love you. Not only my momma, but all the mommas out there!

I am not a Mother, and although that is how things have worked out and I accept that it is what it is, I know that I have missed out on so many experiences that most others have gone through ~ good times and not so good times.

Recently my friends mother/grandmother passed away. She was an all around fun and wonderful person, and I stress the word fun, since all my memories are of silly and fun stories. Isn't that great, to have nothing but great memories to hold onto?

Just a short time before that, my best bud lost his mother. She was also known as M.O.M. (my other mother). She was also a bundle of fun, and had that impish smile every day and always a kind word or thought for others. It is hard to believe that I will not send her a physical card at Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. I know she will get my mental cards, though, since I send a lot of them up to her.

Two other friends had not expected to have children. By some miracle, both families did have children, and they cherish them and every minute they have with them.

New parents turn to mush as their new babes smile at them and find their toes for the first time.

Yet another friend never knew his birth mother, until this year, in his 51st year on Mother Earth. He was adopted and raised by a fabulous family, but the origin of his life was always unclear... until now. He is aglow with being able to connect the dots in his life and now getting to know his birth mother.

A best friend from my high school days lost her daughter just two years ago at this time of year. A long time family friend just lost her son this summer. Since one of my brothers also passed away at a young age, I know this is close to unbearable for a parent, but I can't know how they feel and get through it. But they do get through it because they are so strong, and they are our mothers.

So after a very restless night of much tossing and turning, thinking about all my mothers out there, I would say thank you and I love you all. You are amazing, and I think every day should be a celebration of our mothers!

I am a Putnamaniac because I love my momma and all the other great mommas out there!

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