Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Are you a solo - or crowd - or both - type of person?

How do you operate best?

Do you enjoy being surrounded by others always, or do you enjoy time just by yourself?

Since I was a kid, I've been more of a "solo" person.

Although I had some great friends as a kid and in school, I went through my teen years without being attached to anyone at the hip. I wasn't on the phone constantly, I didn't need to always have someone with me...

I grew into the same sort of grown up. I enjoy family and friends, but don't need to spend every second with them or talking to them.

These thoughts came to me the other morning when I was out jogging - by myself.  Reflecting back I realized I only ever jogged with one other person in my life! We'd go for a run at the tree farm where we worked together, after working all day out in the hot sun. We somehow talked ourselves into the idea that we were having fun jogging up the hills - and so we had fun! (By the way - she is training for her 1st marathon now, coming up in May. She is amazing)! 

When I was young, I used to feel bad about being a solo-er like this, like maybe something was really wrong with my social development. But as you age, you figure yourself out. You stop trying to be what someone else is, and you quit trying to do what others do.

If you are lucky, you use how you are to your advantage and have a good life!

Hopefully you have figured yourself out, make it work, and enjoy a pretty good life!

This is good advice: "It is better to be happy alone, than unhappy with someone", and I don't know if Marilyn Monroe really believed that or not - I hope she did.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves people, but also loves solo time by herself!

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