Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Smells from Frito-Lay are mouth watering on the way home from work!

If you've read any of the Putnamania blogs, then clearly you have noticed that I run strongly on my senses...
Sights, sounds, and smells. I'll bet you depend on your senses, too, if you think about it.

The sounds and smells are usually my strongest and sharpest senses, most likely due to the bad eyesight over the years. When things sound and smell marvelous, this works out nicely. However, we all know that things don't always smell or sound that great. Witness a drive by of a sewage treatment center, or a really bad cat fight! Yikes, that is when those senses are not appreciated so much!

Driving home each night, I've discovered one of the best smells ever, emitting from Frito-Lay's Dayville location. Each night my mouth waters, and I dream of ripping open a big bag and jumping in head first. I become like Pavlov's dogs as this feeling grasps me every single night as I pass by that spot! Luckily there is not a rest stop right there on the highway selling these items or I'd never get home. Once I pass the area, and the smell no longer taunts me, I make it home with self control in tact.

What smells get to you? Do you sit back, sniff, and enjoy just the smell? I sure do! Why do you think there are so many successful candle and scent companies? Everyone loves a great smell.

Check out Frito-Lays website. Luckily computers are not made with a smell function....yet...

I am a Putnamaniac thanks to the great smell of Frito-Lay!

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