Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WINY 1350 am Radio - this could be my Putnamaniac blog EVERY day!

People who live near or travel through Putnam have seen the WINY radio station.
It sits besides the picturesque Cargill Falls.

It is my constant ray of sunshine each day. Certainly it fits that same bill for many others. The joke heard almost daily on the radio from listeners is "I wake up with Gary O every morning, I hope his wife doesn't mind".  Ain't that the truth!?

The day starts at 6am, with a bright sunshiny wake-up hello from Brother John, then the Pledge of Allegiance recited by a gathering of young children filled with the bright hope of each day. From there on the next 3 hours are filled with POSITIVE, LOCAL, and FUN information, facts, conversation, the best music you somehow have forgotten but just love. It is certainly a great way to start each and every day.

Sports hawk, John W joined the northeast CT "biggest loser" contest earlier in the year, and he inspired me to run my first 5k! I've jogged in solitary bliss for years, but was so truly inspired by John W's success and the goals he set, that I did the Brooklyn Fair 5k recently. Came in 3rd place for my age group, proving turning 50 pays off. Great fun!

On top of the great chemistry that Gary O and the "Johns" have in the morning, we have the talk show with Paul Coutu, which makes us think, and Zach & his entourage are just as good in the afternoon. Karen O pops in to deliver wonderful recipes every week. These people make you feel like you are living in the greatest movie ever written! Oscars all around!

Accentuate the postive - live the local life. Enjoy WINY, which could be my daily Putnamaniac blog!

Check out WINY Radio

I am a Putnamaniac thanks to WINY Radio!

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