Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It is amazing what you can see when you get out and look around!

There is a cool company based in Putnam (M&M Transport Services) that I recently learned about and was going to blog about today...

However....that will wait for another day.

After work I went out for a nice little jog. The usual loop, but there is a lot more action going on in the early evening than there is at pre-6am.

The rec field was loaded with little pee-wee football hopefuls (and I do mean pee-wee), along with their cheerleading mini counterparts. Whistles blowing, hand clapping, drills run, coaches encouraging.

A young mom and her daughter of about 5 years old peddled by slowly on their bikes with matching pink helmets. They laughed when I mentioned that I might need a ride later.

Two older gentlemen were sitting out in lawn chairs under a tree chatting and laughing it up.

The ice cream truck rolled by slowly, tinkling out its merry little jingle, reminding me of chasing down a similar truck in days of old.

A group of bikers, serious bicycle riders, flew by, pushing themselves and loving it.

When I arrived back home, one neighbor was out walking her little doggie, so I got a lot of wet doggie kisses, and another neighbor showed me his tomato plants he was growing on his porch.

It was so nice! And to think that I would have missed it all if I just went home and stayed inside. Get out and see what you might be missing. The simple things can really make you smile!

I am a Putnamaniac because getting out and seeing my neighborhood makes me smile!

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