Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Singing in the car! At the top of my "out of tune" lungs!

Driving through my cute little town of Putnamania, with WINY Radio on, I was singing along to some good tune.

I am a legend in my own mind when it comes to car singing. I belt it out, with the windows rolled up, and wonder if I might have missed out on being the next big singing superstar.... NOT.... I really stink up the joint, but as long as my windows stay rolled up, I figure I'm not guilty of producing offensive noise pollution.

As I was singing this one particular song, I passed a car with the man driving singing the same song.

I looked at the car behind me, and that lady was singing the same song.

Shortly I passed another car, with a mom and daughter, singing the same song.

I'm thinking Putnamania might have a pretty nice little car singing chorus group without even knowing it!

Silly stuff like this makes me smile! Do you notice these dumb little things that happen in your day?

I am a Putnamaniac proud to be part of our unofficial car singing chorus!

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