Thursday, November 10, 2011

'Twas a dark and stormy night.... and still beautiful!

Even with the rain coming down, and the sky getting dark earlier every day, it sure was a beautiful ride home.

Have you noticed the "burning bushes"?  Not the kind in the bible story, but the kind that now have brilliant red leaves???? They were all glowing tonight as the rainy dusk crawled in to Putnamania.

Have you also noticed that the branches of the tall maple trees that have lost their leaves look like fabulous skeletons reaching up in the sky, especially with the evening closing in?

Even in the rain and near darkness, you can see beauty! Open up your peepers and take a moment to look!

I am a Putnamaniac because even on dark and stormy nights, there is beauty here!


  1. My neighbors have burning bushes and they've looked gorgeous this week!!

  2. They are really stunning creatures, the burning bushes! They give us something to look forward to on the fall days!


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