Sunday, January 8, 2012

51 year old Putnamaniac takes a beat down from 6 year old Putnamaniac - twice this weekend!

My friend and fellow Putnamaniac, Seth, is 6 years old.

If you met him you would agree that he is very entertaining, smart, cute, engaging, and funny.
If you met his parents, you would know where he gets all those traits.

If you loves jokes, then Seth is your man. He always has a joke up his sleeve, and they usually include either a dinosaur or alligator....and farts! That is right up a 6 year old's alley (and mine, too)!

Seth also has the BIGGEST MUSCLES in all of Putnamania!

Seth brought out the "gun-show" and defeated me in almost every arm wrestling match we had last night, and today, too! (He also bragged that he beat his dad, too, so I guess I don't feel too badly about my beat down)!

Seth also taught me all about the new craze, beyblades.... and of course he beat me in all those wars, too, with just a tiny bit of cheating on his part!!

Children are amazing in their love of life and the joy and wonder you see in their eyes and hear in their voices. I am happy to know so many great kids, and I hope I always have kids in my life. I am very lucky because although I never got to have any kids of my own, everyone else always shares with me. Thank goodness!!

I am a Putnamaniac because I love kids, especially my fellow Putnamaniac, Seth! (His muscles kind of look like this - ask him for the GUN SHOW when you see him)!!

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