Sunday, January 1, 2012


Every New Year people make outrageous resolutions!

I will lose 50 lbs by the end of the month.
I will pay off my house by June (even though I have 6 mortgages on it now).
I will learn to play the violin.
I will split an atom.
I will adopt a family of elephants and bring them to live with me (even though I live in a one bedroom apt in New York City).
I will be a better person. (What does that mean??? Be specific, like I will smile at one gloomy looking gus every day).

Well, maybe they aren't all that outrageous, but they might as well be, since most don't stick with them for more than a few days.

I like do-able goals and resolutions.

Years ago a friend of mine resolved to read 12 books a year (1 book a month average). Now that sounds not only something he could achieve, but something that will bring him great joy!

Good luck with your resolutions! Make them do-able and enjoyable ones! You will feel great when you carry through with that promise to yourself!

I am a Putnamaniac because I like to set reasonable resolutions and goals, all year long, and follow through with them!

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