Monday, September 2, 2013

Tri-State Marker was a tri-umphant visit!

The CT/MA/RI Tri-State Marker is an actual marker and not that far from where we live...

But.... lots of folks, we don't always take time to enjoy what is right in our own backyard.

Heck, the Wizard of Oz was based on that whole premise!

With the opportunity of a Monday holiday, we took off on a quest to find the Tri-State Marker, and succeeded!

It was a bit of an uphill jaunt to get to it, but not ever as bad as you think it will be... and then voila, all of a sudden, there it was before our eyes! The Tri-State Marker!

Coolest thing ever!

Remember to check out all the coolest of things right in your own community. I am sure you will find a'plenty!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to discover the simplest of things right in my own back yard!

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