Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The dreaded colonoscopy - not so dreaded!

Since I am of "that age" now, it is colonoscopy time. It was actually 5 years ago, but I now have a schedule that will allow such things as taking care of myself medical appointment-wise.

Colonoscopy! You hear the stories, oh boy do you hear the stories... and of course they are all very dramatic stories. The prep - good lord - the prep!!!!

Somehow I think that hearing those horror stories make things so much easier to do than you think they will be!

Braced for the horrific "prep", I completed the mission so easily I thought I might be missing something. I read the instructions, then I read them about 652 more times. I had followed them, and it was no big deal. In advance proactive strike attempt, I had cut down my food intake quite a bit in the week or so before, and I was hoping being a vegetarian would be somewhat helpful. Perhaps that was helpful, or perhaps it was just easy for me, or perhaps some people really love to dramatize!

Living in the community here is northeast CT and Putnam in particular, makes it easy to want to take care of yourself, in case just wanting to live the longest, healthiest life possible by taking care of things in your control is not enough motivation.

It is a medical minded community. In fact I walked to the hospital for the procedure since it is only about 2 miles away.

People care about each other. People stress the importance of routine checkups and tests. People share stories of how these tests have saved them by detecting things early so they could be treated. The Deary Cancer Fund is HUGE in this area. WINY Radio hosts guests from the medical community frequently. So although most of these folks don't know this Putnamaniac personally, I still feel that they care for my health and well being, as I care for theirs.

Generations is our family's medical choice, because it is very convenient. Their staff, from the folks you check in at the desk with, to the APRNs and Docs themselves are SUPERB.

Generations refers to Day Kimball Hospital, and this local facility is a blessing to those of us who have it so close by.

Imagine your job is to be on a team that performs colonoscopies. They were the brightest, happiest, most pleasant team I could hope for!

The procedure itself was unmemorable. I fell asleep and woke up to find it was all complete, plus I got a much needed glass of water and a granola bar. Add snacks to any equation and I am sold!

So, march onward in your health care. Be proactive! You know your body better than anyone. You take care of your car, your yard, your home... right? Add yourself to the list! You are worth it!

I am a Putnamaniac that will not think of it as the "dreaded" colonoscopy any longer!

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