Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peep Frogs!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring gets me pretty excited... for lots of reasons!

Longer days, warmer days, stuff starts to pop out of the ground, stuff turns green!

An entire awakening!!!!!! Yippeeeeeee!!!!

I especially look forward to hearing the peep frogs as that is a sure arrival of spring. My ears (which work pretty well as they have to pick up the slack for the bad eyeballs) strain each late afternoon/early evening to hear to first peepers peeping. When I hear them for the first time, it is like I have been declared the winner of the best lottery in the world! Spring is here! The peepers tell me so!

I have a friend that I only hear from once a year, and it is when he hears his first peepers of the spring. Years ago we used to walk out the door from work at the end of the day and listen for the peepers...

Although miles apart now, we still walk out of our respective work locations and listen at this time of year...

Today, I got his email. Peepers were heard in RI last evening. That means it will not be long before I hear them in NECT.

Living on the River I enjoy a great many symphonies, and the peepers are some of my favorite performers. Thank goodness they come back for repeat shows every spring.

If you would like to learn a bit more about the peepers that I love, click on this link to the National Geographic's site. 

I am a Putnamaniac because I love the peepers, and also love to hear from my peepers loving friends!

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