Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Free Snow" on the sidewalk in Putnam - for real - I saw the sign!

It is easy to get the winter blues, listen to all the complainers, focus on the bad stuff.

However, there is always something hilarious around the corner to make you forget all the bad stuff.

Today, when I was driving home from work, I went a different way. Who knows why. I was thinking I could check out these other streets and see if jogging without risking life and limb was even getting close to possible...

You know how you see a grungy old chair, or a pile of pallets, or whatever sitting on the side of the road with a sign that says "FREE STUFF" ???

Today I saw, as I glanced to my left, a sign made out of the actual 4 foot pile of snow piled up on the sidewalk, that said "FREE SNOW".

Clearly that is why I drove home that way. I intuited that there would be a hilarious moment for me. So, thank you to whomever did that!

I am a Putnamaniac thanks to the people with a great sense of humor who live here!

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