Monday, January 3, 2011

Kids scribbles...kept forever

I saw this kid the other day scribbling away on a pad of paper. His mother was keeping him occupied while they were waiting, and waiting. Young Monet's palet looked like a bunch of circles, squares, and rectangles to me, but he had a quite detailed explanation of what each creation was. Vivid imagination! Future artist!

I kept thinking about that little kid and his scribbles. Memories floated in...

When we were kids and had to stay in due to bad weather, we drew, colored, and scribbled like crazy. We made cards for each other and our parents for every holiday. I still have a card that my youngest brother made for me for a Valentine's Day long ago.

One part of the card is Charlie Brown and his sister Sally's head. In his finest newly learned cursive penmanship, my brother wrote "I love you, from Si", accompanied by many X's and O's.

The second part of the card is Snoopy sitting holding a Valentine card with a heart on it. In that same little boy handwriting, he wrote "I love you, Marcy, from Si".

I have this framed, still, and hope to keep it with me forever and ever. It makes it seem as those scribbling days were not so long ago.

I am a Putnamaniac because seeing a kid scribble away at his art work makes me think of a great Valentine's Day memento!


  1. You're so lucky to have that memory!

  2. I agree! I look at that little Snoopy card from my brother all the time! :)


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