Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The LIKELY Pilgrimage of this Putnamaniac!

Currently I am enjoying the book "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry".

It is captivating, makes you think, makes you happy, sad, hopeful, reflective...

The end is sure to be a tear jerker, no matter the outcome.

That is to my liking.

It also makes me think of my pilgrimage in life.

My pilgrimage led me searching for not only a house and job, but a home and a community.

I searched gangbusters over the years, and although I loved all the homes I owned, all the neighborhoods and states I lived in, all the jobs I tried (some very long term and some short term), I feel like my pilgrimage has finally led me to where I should be.

Putnam ~ aka Putnamania to some of  us!

 My friend Seth and I give Putnam the thumbs up!

It does not take much to give me joy in life, and I don't like to ask of others. However the things that make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world every day are the little things; like having your friend blow you a kiss when she drives by you on your walk home from work, like having a hard working volunteer shout a hearty hello to you as you pass each other on the street, like hugging another girlfriend in the vegetable aisle of the grocery store, like walking into your house and smelling fresh flowers....

A pilgrimage is well worth it. Look and you shall find what you seek.

I love where I live!

I am a Putnamaniac that is happy to have made my pilgrimage to Putnamania!

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