Saturday, January 25, 2014

Putnam Town Employees are all that! Including helpful and efficient!

The post office recently delivered a piece of paper that stirred some questions, regarding a home inspection for the town's appraisals and taxes.

The first place to start, common sense would dictate, would be the town hall.

I shot off an email, and in no time at all, I had my questions answered. 

Just like that. Easy, breezy. No delays, no misunderstandings, no non-answers ~ just the direct answers to my questions.

How refreshing!

I hope your town's employees are just as efficient and helpful as mine are in Putnam! If not, I'd suggest you move on in to Putnam and enjoy all the great things here, including great town employees!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves the great town workers we have to help us!

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