Sunday, October 9, 2011

Heroes...jogging right by you in Putnamania!

My mom raised us to surround ourselves with positive & quality people, find the positive things in life, and always take the high road.  If she could do this, then we certainly would.

I've been lucky to have found great influences and positive people to surround me throughout my life. It makes a difference!

This morning a great local person jogged right past me with his jogging buddy. He went along on his happy pace, with a big smile and a pleasant hello offered.

This guy is a very upbeat and positive person, and a local hero.

The legend of his high school cross country records is still mentioned often, and he continues to tally up wins or places in the multitudes of races he runs.

All that is great, but what makes him a local hero most of all is that he donates his time and body during the Annual Deary Road Race every year to raise money for this local cause.

He starts at midnight, hours before the "actual" 5 mile race begins, he runs the course NINE times, and then he runs the course ONE MORE TIME for the actual race. I'm no professor, but doing the math, that adds up to FIFTY MILES!!! In just about a nine hour span.

His dedication for this grueling event is for his parents, but also for all others who have suffered from cancer, either themselves or for their losses.

How can you not try to be a better person yourself when you know people like Scott Deslongchamps are out there?

I am a Putnamaniac because amazing local heroes jog right by you in Putanmania!

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