Monday, February 6, 2012

Do you enjoy time with yourself?

The Last Green Valley had an organized hike scheduled for last night at the Thompson Dam, but since I got there a bit early, I decided to get a move on all by myself.

Thompson is a town that borders Putnamania, and I had been to the Thompson Dam once before, for a cross country race. That event didn't really give me much of a chance to look around, since I had my eyes on the ground, roots, rocks, and all other tripping hazards that day!

Yesterday, I took my time. There were some folks I passed along the different trails - out walking their dogs or just themselves, but for the most part I was all by myself.

WONDERFUL! Not that I am a completely anti-social person, but I always enjoy time with myself and am quite comfortable doing things by myself.

To stand and gaze upon a place that you have never seen before is just breathtaking to me. My breath was taken away yesterday!

I even stopped and took a little video at this waterfall.

Get out and enjoy time with yourself! Getting to know yourself is the best thing you can do!

I am a Putnamaniac that enjoys time with myself at such lovely places as the Thompson Dam, watching the full "snow" moon rise!

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