Sunday, July 14, 2013

QV Velo gave me a spot of cool air and lots of "Good Mornings" as they rode by!

It was a great morning for a jog, so out I went.

In the distance I could see a bunch of bicyclers coming towards me. Like about 15-20 easily.

"Runner up, runner up" was called back through the ranks of peddlers.

They all scooted over in order to not run me over. (Sounds like common sense, but cars do not always give you this courtesy in some areas I have jogged).

I gave a big wave and "Good morning everyone" to them, and I got it back x all of them... "Good mornings", smiles, waves.

I saw a couple of QVVELO shirts on this group, and you can learn more here about the Quinebaug Valley Velo bicycle club.

There are many great bike groups in NECT, and another great source, if you are interested, is Danielson Adventure Sports. Get them a look if you are looking to fill your biking desires. 

Another fine start to a lovely day here in Northeast CT.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves a good morning wave from the bikers!

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