Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Is it time for Christmas music yet? It really makes me happy!

I might have a screw loose.

We've covered that on a few occasions, but I feel it is best to be true to yourself and honest with yourself. How else can you carry on with others if you can't with yourself?

So, I am an admitted Christmas music LOVER!

It makes me happy, calm, joyous, and emotional in a nice way.

Today I discovered a radio station playing some Christmas tunes (yes, I forsook WINY Radio during the non-local show time around noon today.... don't tell on me for that)!

AND, color me happy. Tis almost the season to sing! Especially in your car, all by yourself!

How do you feel about the Christmas music? Be honest.... why do you like or dislike it??

I am a Putnamaniac that is so happy the Christmas music time of year is approaching fast!

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