Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Taylor Brooke Winery visit is sooooo in order!

Since I have started to have weekends off recently ~ like every weekend ~ like every Saturday and every Sunday ~ I am really looking forward to them. They are quite enjoyable!

Of course, I fill just about every second of those days doing something. 99.9% of that is fun!

This weekend, I am hoping for a nice interpretive hike at the Goodwin Forest, featuring Christmas Trees! Appropriate wouldn't you say?

Then I hope to fit in a visit to the Taylor Brooke Winery, which is just up the road from me in the neighboring town of Woodstock. I have never actually visited the place, although I have surely tasted their wines!

Sunday will include my joining in with a bunch of carolers, who visited and caroled to me last year! With my pipes, I am hoping the listeners will perhaps have enjoyed a glass or two of wine themselves. I sound pretty good if you've had a glass of wine!

So, get out and do something fun in your free time. I know I will!

I am a Putnamaniac that is going to visit the Taylor Brooke Winery this weekend!

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