Sunday, December 23, 2012

Anticipation of fun and spreading good will in a song!

The anticipation of things (at least anticipation of good things) is as much fun as when the time actually arrives to do "the thing"!

Today I am eagerly looking forward to going Christmas caroling tonight with some friends that actually invited me along (brave souls they ~ if they only knew how I sing)!

The story of this group of rouge carolers began to unfold years ago, but last year was my first introduction to their night of good will...

Imagine a cold Sunday night just before Christmas in Putnamania. I'd just gotten home from the Christmas show at the Bradley Playhouse, and had turned on the Patriots game....

Then... a knock on the door.... upon opening it up, there arose such a clatter ~ a band of rogue carolers began to belt out some holiday cheer! You can imagine my surprise, my joy, my thrill of being chosen to be visited! (and so much better than Scrooge's visitors)! I felt like the Christmas Queen! They sang, I smiled from ear to ear, and want to cry every time I remember those moments.

So, tonight, I will join the band of rouge carolers! I CAN'T WAIT!!! If I can make someone as surprised and as special as I felt last year, that is a successful Christmas wish come true!

Carol on Putnamaniacs everywhere!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves the anticipation of good things!

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