Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Renegade Garden lives on... along with all the memories of where the plants came from!

Every garden I've ever had, I have loved.

Most plants in the gardens I've had have come from family's and friend's gardens.


Then I sell the house, leave the gardens, and start over again.

The Renegade Garden began when I bought the condo. I planted on a steep hill. Really steep. Tons of rocks. Treacherous...

 Here is a picture of Debbie's iris from last summer... soon to be abloom again!

Again, the garden had many plants from many gardens, including lovely iris and day lilies from a friend's sister, who has since passed to greener gardens, and a white rose from a friend and her daughters that I have loved to pieces since forever.

I've been thinking about those plants since I sold the condo last fall. There was no time to take them with us to the new homestead and current best house in Putnamania.

Out of the blue I got an email the other day from the woman who bought my condo. She said that she was not interested in continuing the hilly, rocky, Renegade Garden and that I was welcome to come and help myself to the plants.

WOW!!!! That was the greatest email ever!

This morning I went and dug up iris and day lilies from Deb, the rose from all the sissies, sedum from Rae, May apples and tons more from my mom...

The memories will always remain, but now I have the plants, too!

Long live gardening, gardeners, and their plants. Spread the love and memories.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to keep the memories alive with plants!

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