Friday, August 1, 2014

BLOG Putnamania!

I'm a blog fan - I like short spurts of what people have to say or what means a lot to them.

Can you believe some people don't know what a blog is?

It is so!

The Putnamania blog began for me a few years back, because in this busy life that rushes by, you do not always stop and appreciate all the goodness that surrounds you.

By taking time to do a blog almost everyday, I vowed to focus on something positive, to literally stop and smell the roses. Whether it is to focus on a great local business, non-profit or organization, or just something wonderful that passed before my eyes, the Putnamania blog acts as binoculars and brings that goodness into focus.

B = be alert and choosy about what you focus on and who you choose to associate with. It makes a difference in the quality of your life, and those you are with.

L = Love life! Love your family and friends! Love yourself! Love good choices!

O = Offer to help people. Offend no one on purpose.

G = Goodness is not a bad thing. Take the high road, and enjoy the glory of being good, gracious and generous in all ways.

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to blog about all the good things around us!

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