Saturday, August 23, 2014

The James L. Goodwin Conservation Center offers tons of programs and tons of things to do on your own, too!

Have you ever been to the Goodwin Conservation Center / Forest area located off Route 6 in Hampton, CT?

If not, why the heck not??

It is such a gorgeous place that offers many organized programs as well as plenty of room to roam on your own.

You can sign up to be on their mailing list so you will be alerted about all of their upcoming programs - year round. It is well worth it, and they are not overbearing in contacting you. Being kept up to date without having to search anywhere at all for what is going on at Goodwin is a great feature.

To subscribe to their email list:
Send an email to
In the email, leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:
Subscribe DEP-Goodwin YourFirstName YourLastName

Goodwin is very close by if you live in Northeast CT or even close by in MA and RI.

So, what are you waiting for? Hop on your bike or load the family into the family truckster and head over to the Goodwin Conservation Center and Forest!

Did I mention that this is all for FREE?!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves to go to visit Goodwin whether for one of their great programs, hikes, or just by myself!


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