Monday, March 4, 2013

End of the day bonding makes it all good.

I work in a very small office of a construction company. In the past, I was the only office employee, and I was by myself a lot of the time.

Now I do have an in-office coworker, although he is based in our office's "mantown", down in the lower level of the house. 

My days are spent in front of the computer, handling lots and lots of paperwork, perched on my stability ball on the upper level of the office, looking out a huge window into scenic Andover, CT. So basically, I still work by myself most of the time.

All my other coworkers are out there in the "field", working their butts off, in all sorts of weather, building America. Think about that! Even today seemed so cold and windy... and it is March for goodness sakes. Remember back not that long ago to those days with strong winds and temps hovering around 0 degrees. Imagine working with cold steel outside for 8 hours a day? It was so windy one day that one of the guy's hard hat blew right off his head and into the river under the bridge they were working on.

At the end of the day, these construction guys call in and report each of their crew's hours to me. It is a time I look forward to... to find out how these guys made out each day, to tell each other a joke, to talk about their weekends, and to thank them for their hard work.

Nowadays, negative reinforcement is all too common. I do not like it, and I do not approve of it. Teamwork and camaraderie are very important to me. This is what I get from those daily calls from my coworkers. Thank goodness for that!

Here are a few of the guys, hanging off of a wall they are building. Notice how close the railroad is behind them. Luckily, this is close to a station, so the train goes past them very slowly.... but oh, I have heard some other stories. These guys are tough!

I hope you have some great coworkers, too!

I am a Putnamaniac that loves bonding with my coworkers!

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