Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"What would x do" leads to "What would you do" ?

Although the original purpose of this blog when started some years ago was to focus on something positive every day, and capture it, sometimes I get so danged busy that I don't take the time each day to do just that. Capture and share the positivity.

Don't think that I don't look for and find something just awesomely outstanding every single day, because I do.

Today's story is this: As I came back to the office, after a meeting today, I saw an old lady with a walker fumbling nervously through her purse in the parking lot outside of her car. I slowed myself down and asked if she needed help. She said she couldn't find her little black key purse inside her big purse. Someone had told her that would help her keep track of her keys. You could see her mind racing with thoughts, perhaps like "they knew I would lose the keys", "I am worried and disappointed in myself", "I am in a hurry with more to do and don't need this trouble", "What is happening to me..."

I told her I'd check inside the bank for her (where she had just come from) to see if her keys were there. There they were on the counter! I ran them out to her, she thanked me and called me an angel.

How easy it would have been to dash by that old gal and not really notice her concern.

But, I acted unselfishly for a second.

I thought to myself afterwards, "What would Kat have done", "What would Rachael have done", "What would my mother have done", "What would KG have done".... and they would have all done the same exact thing.

So, if you think someone might need and accept help, DO IT! Join the "What would YOU do" club.

Tag - you are now "it".

Do a good thing and pass it on.

I am a Putnamaniac that is happy to be in the "What would you do" club!

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